Principal's Message

Hello and welcome back to term 2!  It is the end of week 2 already.....


Straight off the bat, I must say a huge thankyou to all those who 'stepped up' and did a little more (when schedules are already super busy) during my recent leave. How lucky am I to be able to access some leave and travel overseas. A week in Cambodia and then 2 weeks in Vietnam, absolutely fabulous. The sites, the sounds, the smells and the food, truly a sensory overload. Plus, I also learnt so much – a day at the Killing Fields in Cambodia is a very sobering experience indeed. Thanks to the Assistant Principals and in particular Alli Hopkins for taking on the Acting Principal role during my leave.


Feedback tells me that the Parent Teacher conferences went well and we are set up for an excellent Term 2. My walk around the classrooms this week has shown our College to be settled and underway with excellent teaching and learning always being the expectation. 


It seems like every week this term something is happening, please pay close attention to the calendar, as events will sneak up quickly. 


Last night I had the opportunity to attend our Instrumental Music program Autumn concert. Kim Green and her team put together a great show and our students were absolutely fabulous. Well done to everyone involved in the concert.


During Term 2 we move into information nights and course selection events.  Week 3 will be an information showcase for those families with students in Grade 6 and moving into Secondary education in 2024. In week 6 we will be running a whole school open night for course counselling and information about transitioning between the year levels for Year 8 to 12 students (2024). In the senior space this night will also include our 'Expo' where we invite a huge variety of external providers to talk with students about all things 'career'. This will be the Wednesday 31st May, so please lock that one into your diaries.

Students in Year 9 have begun work on Morrisby Careers Profiling this week and next. This is a state wide careers program that begins to narrow the thinking of students around exactly what skills and interests they have and matching those to a potential career field. Each student then has an individual conversation with a Morrisby team member to discuss future pathways. It may seem early but, time rushes by and choices need to be made along with plans for course selections. 


Given we are well into the year and a series of assessments have now been completed, each year level will be identifying and chatting with their 'Top 20'. High expectations and aspirational goals are key to excellent achievements and doors opening as pathways develop. I look forward to these conversations.


AToSS – Attitude to School Student Survey is also being run across this term. This is where every student has the opportunity to 'have their say' about a huge variety of topics.

These surveys will be conducted in classes and supports genuine opportunity for our students to have voice. After all we have such variety across our student cohort.


Something to Ponder: If you couldn’t have the job/career that you currently do, what would you like to be doing? AND, how might that change you circumstances? 


Me? I would have loved to be a professional sports person. But the truth, just not talented enough! Oh well!


As always happy to chat about all things and anything 'school', just make an appointment.

Talk soon.










Trudie Nagle
