Education in Faith

Education in Faith – Palm Sunday- Passion of the Lord – Year A




The Passion narrative, described in the gospel of Matthew, is keen to drive home two particular points. 


Firstly, throughout this gospel, the writer is at pains to demonstrate Jesus as fulfilling the prophecy of scripture. At the time of the arrest and the use of the thirty pieces of silver, we are reminded that these things took place to fulfil scripture. 


Secondly, this particular gospel emphasises the innocence of Jesus throughout the passion narrative: he is ‘sold out’ by one of his followers; his trial before the Sanhedrin; his most loyal follower denies association with him; Pilate declares himself innocent of Jesus’ blood and the crowd accepts the consequences of their actions. At no point is any hint of guilt cast over Jesus. He is an innocent whose fate has been manipulated by others. In the gospel passage there is no conversation between Jesus and the criminals between whom he is crucified. There is no suggestion that Jesus too is a criminal who is deserving of his fate. 


These two themes merge together in the gospel. The manner of Jesus’ arrest, trial and death are all in accordance with the prophecy of scripture (i.e. in accordance with God’s will), and yet it is emphasised throughout that Jesus is innocent. There can be no accusation that Jesus is in any way deserving of his treatment and yet what befalls him is in keeping with God’s plan. It emphasises the sacrificial act made by Jesus: a proven innocent giving his life for the good of others. The actions of those who plot against Jesus to seek his downfall actually serve to bring about his purpose. No other outcome was possible. The writer assures the audience that the death of Jesus was no accident; it was intended from the very beginning.


Discussion Starters

  • Who are the people who love you?
  • What special things do they do for you?
  • Jesus suffered and died because he loved us.
  • How can we show God’s love to others?
  • Today is the beginning of a special week of celebrations.
  • Why do all four gospels explain the Passion with so much detail?
  • In what ways is this Passion narrative both solemn and joyful?
  • Why might the passion narratives have been the first parts of the gospels to be written?
  • How do you respond to hearing or reading the Passion?
  • How does the story of Christ’s Passion play out in our own lives today?
  • How can we participate in Holy Week?

Sacramental News and Dates

Reconciliation Family Workshop 

Wednesday April 26th @ 6pm @SFS



Thursday 11th May @ 5:30 @ St. Kevin's Church


Eucharist Family Workshop

Tuesday 6th June @6pm @SFS


First Eucharist

Saturday, 10th June - 5 pm Mass @ St. Kevin's Church


Confirmation Family Workshop

Tuesday, 29th August @6pm @SFS


Confirmation Reflection Day with

(SFS & Parish Catechist Group)                                  

Thursday, 31st August @ 2pm @ SFS
ConfirmationSaturday, Sep 2nd 12pm @ St. Kevin's Church


Sacrament Levy

There is a $25 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles for ALL 3 Sacraments. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received at the start of the year, before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.


God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose







Project Compassion brings together Australian schools, parishes and supporters to raise funds for people in vulnerable communities across the world. This year, we introduced you to the story of four inspiring people whose lives have been transformed with your generous support: Laxmi, Tereesa, Priscilla and Thu. 

Today, they are creating a better world for their families, their communities and for all future generations.


Project Compassion is a demonstration of the faith, empathy and generosity of our supporters. It is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia – without it, we could not do the vital work we do. Thank you for helping transform lives today and for all future generations.

Each Learning Space and the Office has Project Compassion boxes decorated in the House colours. We are encouraging students and parents to donate to Caritas through their House box. Families that would like to take a project compassion box home can collect one from the office. They will need to be returned in the last week of school with your child’s house name on it if you would like the money you collect to go towards your child’s house points. 


This week Mini Vinnies counted the money in the Project Compassion Boxes. 

The total amount donated by each House so far is:

1st Patrick$92.85
2nd Bosco$82.40
3rd MacKillop$63.85
4th Teresa$44.45


The total collected so far is $283.55. Thank you to everyone. Another update will be provided next week and the amounts will be added to the Community Spirit award points.



Any families that have taken Project Compassion Boxes home, we ask that they are returned to the office by early next week. If you write your child’s House on the box we will count the money and it will go towards your child’s House total.



Our Community Spirit Award Competition updates for last week, which includes house points and Caritas money donated:




1 412



1 303



1 259



1 136


Well done to Patrick!!! Let’s see who is leading next week.        





On Friday Mini Vinnies will make their commitment to be part of the group for the remainder of the year. 

They will be given their badges at assembly next Thursday 6th April. 

Assembly will take place at 12.45 pm on the courts. Parents are welcome to attend.


