Parents and Friends

Invitation to attend the Parents and Friends Forum and General Meeting
Date | Wednesday 24 May 2023 |
Venue | Robson Auditorium |
Time | The General Meeting will be brief starting a 6:45 PM sharp. The Parent Forum will follow and commence at 7:00 PM. |
Forum Topic | 'Safe on Social' with Amy Haddadi Specialist Facilitator on Cyber Safety |
Are you confident that you know everything about cyber safety? Think again. Staying informed and up to date on the latest online risks and strategies to protect your family is crucial. The "Safe on Social Media" presentation and Q&A session is your chance to learn what you need to know now including real-life case studies that educate and empower, rather than instilling fear. Safe on Social is the most trusted and in-demand education, training, and consulting service in the cyber safety sector.
Please register your attendance here.
Thank You
We would like to thank everyone who came and helped with the barbecue for the Year 6 Supporter’s Day last Saturday. We could not have asked for a better day, perfect weather coupled with delicious food and coffee, not to mention great company!
We would like to acknowledge the help of the following fine young men: Julian Galimi,
Max Mc Dermott, Dean Trovato, Francesco Mazza, Josh Williams, Mathew Johnston, Henry Whitehead, Leo Auland and Noah Young, who volunteered their personal time on Friday afternoon to come and help set up for the barbecue.
Finally, if you have not already signed up to help with the Supporters’ Day barbecues, please do so on the corresponding links below. Many hands make light work. Any time you can spare will be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer, please register according to your son’s allocated day:
Parents and Friends Committee