Ms Henderson's 9/10 Drama class at their MTC acting workshop at the end of Term 1.
Allie Collyer, the Community Legal Education Worker from Mallee Family Care Mildura presented a session on Sexual Consent to our Year 11 and 12 students on Monday, 3rd April. Allie informed the students of their legal rights in a relationship, how to be a respectful partner and what an individual should expect from a relationship.
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 8 Drama students performing their plays
Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews in the JC
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Ms Haeusler’s Year 10 RE class rehearsing for the Stations of the Cross
Science insect trap experiment
Science insect trap experiment
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
A display of student work in the Parish Function Centre during the Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews