Message from the School Advisory Council re: car parking at pickup

We know car parking at school pickup is particularly challenging given our pickup time overlaps with the end of De La Salle pickup time.  There are no easy solutions, but the council is very aware that it's a challenge, so we wanted to provide an update.

The school has previously requested a 'kiss and go/ quick collect' zone out the front of the school (a number of years ago) and we were unsuccessful, however, given a number of schools in Malvern area now have such zones we are going to approach the council again to make this request for the area directly in front of the school.

We are also speaking with Monsignor to find out whether the apron in front of the church could be used for 'safe u-turns' (when the church is not in use for funerals or similar)


While we work on this, we would appreciate your consideration of the following: 

  • The church car park is not supposed to be used for parking at pickup.  This is not a school decision - the carpark belongs to the church, who accommodate our teaching staff but have rented other parking spaces out.  There are also additional challenges around safety in the carpark - we had a recent near miss with a younger child running through the car park and almost being hit by another vehicle.
  • We ask all parents to be extremely mindful of child safety in the street, and to avoid doing u-turns near the front of the school hall - it is simply not safe 
  • Children model parent behaviour - we encourage you to keep this in mind and use the school crossing, particularly when taking your children across Stanhope street 
  • Although Stanhope street is challenging at pickup time, Irving, Oxford and Grace streets nearby have additional parking available only a short walk from the school
  • Children are supervised by classroom teachers until 3.40 while waiting to be collected - If you are struggling to find a park, be reassured that your children are being supervised and you are not "late" if you arrive before 3.40