Community Notices

Parenting after Divorce and Separation
Parenting after Divorce and Separation
Separation and divorce can be a stressful and challenging time for parents and children. It can put children at risk for emotional and behavioural problems, poor academic achievement, and ongoing relationship problems. Parents also may also experience increased depression, anxiety and stress.
It is important that families have access to evidence-based preventative interventions. Researchers at the University of South Australia and The University of Queensland are developing an online intervention to support parents during this transition. They are encouraging parents to have an input into what is important to go in the program and what their needs are.
Interested parents can learn more about the study and complete a brief online survey at
LeFevre High School
Primary School Forensic Science Workshops
2017 Junior Rugby League Season
Commences Soon
Western Districts Rugby League Club invites any interested players, 6 – 18 to come to contact the club to discuss opportunities that may suit you. Our club
- Is a value driven club
- Only uses accredited coaches
- Is based at Port Adelaide
You can meet the club coaches for 2017 as well as experience some coaching and minor games if you attend one of our Come’n’Try training sessions. For more information contact the club through Ashley on 0438 533 043 or check the website
Girls Soccer Academy
2017 PADHC Primary School Hockey Program
LeFevre Uniting Church
Fun, Games & Activities
followed by Sausage Sizzle
63 Gedville Road, Taperoo
19th April 10:30 to 12:30
Gold Coin Donation