Classroom News

Bahasa Indonesia
Students have been very busy and hard working in Indonesian lessons this term. We have all looked at the Largs Bay values and Keys to Success and how they are reflected in our learning and approach to studying another language and culture. These values and keys have been learnt in the Indonesian language and we have looked at examples of how we show them in class and around our school.
We have constructed a personal profile with many sentences of information about ourselves such as age, name, likes, dislikes, school and where we live.
Early Years classes have learnt the story of ‘Kancil Tricks the Crocodile’ and have been involved in dramatising the story as a play, making puppets and writing about their favourite characters.
Bu Chish
‘Bouquet’ exhibit at the Gallery Yampu
in Port Adelaide
On the 17th of March, rooms 26, 27, 11 and 10 went to the ‘Bouquet’ exhibit at the Gallery Yampu in Port Adelaide. The gallery used to be the Port Adelaide sailing club. Rooms 26 and 11 went down to the gallery first, before rooms 27 and 10. We went to the gallery and looked at the first exhibit: a giant inflatable named ‘Prickles’. The inflatable had fake prickles, cactuses and heaps of different, vibrant colours. After we looked at ‘Prickles’, we went inside the gallery. The gallery had heaps of different pieces of art, sculptures and several photographs. The photographer, Dani Maclean, came and spoke to us about photography. At the end, we had to vote on our favourite piece of art. My favourite piece of art was number 18 called ‘Play’ by Rachel Darling. I liked going to the gallery and looking at all the different pieces of art. The art had numbers next to it, so we could find it in the booklet and learn more about the piece.
Danielle room 11
During HASS in ‘The Zone’ this term, we spend a double lesson working with Ms Daina, Ms Eadsforth and Miss Wright learning about Ancient Greece. We have learned that a polis is an individual city state and that in Sparta, if babies were unwell or unhealthy they would be left out to die. We have also learned about the difference between females and males in Ancient Greek society. For example, females are required to look after the home and children, while men are the only ones who are allowed to be educated, participate in activities and fight for their country, after they have taken the Ephebic Oath. Also, we learned that Ancient Greeks invented the Olympic Games and all about their traditional Gods, Goddesses, myths and creatures.
Room 33
In Maths this semester, Room 33 has been busy learning about place value and number. We have built and ordered large numbers up to 10000 and beyond. We have explored this using many different concepts and through a variety of hands on activities which have helped us cement out learning.
Ethan, Jack N and Riley are exploring different ways to create and problem solve how many ways that can make 999.
Charlotte and Lili K are trying to work out how many hundreds are in a thousand through exploration.
Room 33 has worked in groups of 2-3 to help their understanding, share their ideas and reason with each other.
Science in Room 23
In Science, we are learning about chemical sciences. Our main inquiry question is:
‘What is heat and how is heat produced?’
The students looked at different pictures and objects of heat sources and discussed what they noticed, what they knew and what they wondered. These were some of their interesting and thoughtful ideas.
Rooms 26/27
In visual arts we have done some art work that relates to what we are learning about in HASS. We created an Ancient Greek inspired vase that had symbols that represented our traits or things that we like to do. We wrote a paragraph explaining our symbols and choice of Greek God, Goddess or creature. These are some of our examples. – Davis
Room 16
Room 16 have be learning about animal and human lifecycles. We have our very own tadpoles in our classroom! We have been watching them progress through their lifecycle and comparing this to the lifecycle of other animals. We have been conducting our own research from questions we formed earlier in the term and recording this information together in our big floor book. We are interested in the care our tadpoles need and we have been learning to make informed predictions about what they will look like when they become frogs.
Skip Counting in Room 5
Room 5 have been very busy learning and practising how to skip count by 2s. We have engaged in a variety of songs, games, and activities in order to gain an understanding on how to skip numbers. Learning to count up in 2s helps us to count larger amounts of items faster. Our goal is to be able to skip count on from any number, not just 0.
Room 32
Our science topic this term is ‘Package It Better’. We investigated different types of packaging. We discovered that there are many different types of packages used for different purposes. Packages can be many sizes and shapes and can be made of lots of different types of materials. Different shapes are stronger than others.
Later, our design brief was to make a package to transport a very delicate item (an egg) safely. After we made our package, we threw them off the balcony (with the egg). All of them survived the Giant Drop!! Then, best of all we ATE our egg! Luckily it was a chocolate one. We learnt a lot about packages.