School News

STEM Works Update
Progress is continuing on our STEM Works project, with a recent Design Start Up meeting held at our school on Friday 24th March. Discussion focussed on fine tuning our project design and establishing project administration procedures, such as safety protocols.
Also, importantly, it allowed school leadership to be introduced to key personnel working on the project. This included departmental representatives, along with the project’s architect and key engineers.
Our STEM Works project has a budget of $1,000,000, which will be used to develop an integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths facility.
It is anticipated that the concept phase will take six weeks to complete. This process includes engaging engineers and developing a more detailed report to set out an indicative building program and to inform the procurement strategy.
Prior to construction beginning, the project may be required to undergo planning/development approvals if required and also building certification.
It is anticipated that the majority of builders for the 139 STEM Works schools will be engaged from mid-year; however, this will be subject to the size and complexity of each project.
Harmony day is about different cultures getting along and coming together with each other. Room 10 and 11 and their buddy class made peace doves together to show the meaning of harmony day. Most students wore orange to show their support of all cultures. Ms Samaras and Mr Clinton taught Room 33 and Room 32 Greek dancing for support for the Greek culture. A big thanks to everyone who helped set up and make harmony day happen.
James and Willis.