News From the Principal

Dear Families,
I would like to start this newsletter with an acknowledgement of all the hard work and extra effort that is regularly put in by all staff at Largs Bay School. I am continually amazed by their commitment in providing exceptional learning opportunities for our children.
I must also thank you, the parents and families of the children, for your support over the first 9 weeks of the term.
Success of the students is dependent on the strong partnerships formed between home and school and it has been very obvious that staff and families are working in unison to ensure on-going positive student outcomes.
Important Information
Outside Toilets
It has been brought to my attention that some adults have been using the student toilets outside the Hall both before and after school. These toilets are strictly for student use only.
Signage will soon be installed on the wall outside the toilets.
If any parents see an adult enter the student toilets, please inform the teacher on duty or the front office staff immediately.
If you need to use a toilet, please see front office staff who can direct you to the adult toilets.
Thank you for your support.
I previously sent out information in regards to our Years 3, 5 & 7 NAPLAN testing for 2017.
Largs Bay School has been selected to trial the online NAPLAN tests this year, with the exception of the writing component for Year 3 which will remain as a paper test.
If you require any further information, please check the link below.
There is also a link below to an Online Demonstration Site (available now) which has various question formats and will allow students to gain familiarity with the platform and the devices.
Volunteers Compulsory Training
It has been great to have so many people offering their time to support our children through reading, in-class support, excursions, sports coaches etc.
A reminder that if you would like to be involved as a volunteer, you will be required to undergo a Reporting Abuse & Neglect (RAN) training session. This is done at the school, by me and takes approximately 1 hour.
The next dates for the training are:
Term 2 – Thursday 4th May @ 9:00am (Week 1)
Monday 15th May @ 9:00am (Week 3)
Alternatively, if it is difficult for you to make the time to come into school, you can do the training online at the following link:
Canberra Tour 2017
I am pleased to say that we have 94 students who have paid their deposit for this year’s tour.
The dates for the tour are: Monday 7th August to Friday 11th August.
Once again our final day will be in Sydney, where the students will catch a ferry to Manly for lunch & sightseeing.
More information will follow in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, please feel free to continue to pay the tour off as you can.
Picking Students up Early
A reminder that it is school policy when picking up a student early to come through the front office and sign the student out. It is preferable that prior arrangements are made with the teacher through the class diary.
It is also important to support our teachers with the end of day formalities by remaining outside classrooms until the final bell goes.
Thank you for your support.
Final Day of Term
A reminder that we have 2 weeks of school remaining for the term.
Last day of school will be Thursday 13th April.
We will have a whole school assembly at 1:25pm with awards being presented and dismissal at 2:00pm.
Regards Mike Tate