Junior News

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.....Nearly Christmas Time!

The end of term creeps closer and the students in Junior school are still hard at work! In the last 2 weeks we have been doing lots of end of year maths testing, reading assessments and spelling tests. All ready for end of year reports! The students have all been champions and taken on any challenge set! 


Last week we started learning how to write letters, including addressing the envelopes. We wrote letters to friends, Santa and even get well cards for Ms Hubbard! This week we are looking at writing invitations. Students are imagining what their next birthday party might be and creating an invitation to suit the event. This may be why your child is talking about birthday parties at the moment!! 


We have just finished wrapping up a unit on Patterns and this takes us to the end of our maths units for this year. In Maths until the end of term we are going back to revise some of those trick subjects.....like TIME! We are also refreshing our knowledge of number charts and place value ready for next year. 

Colour Run!

What a ball we all had at the colour run this year! Mrs Hadley set up an awesome course at school and the slip and slide mat was a favourite! It was brilliant weather and just fantastic to see all the happy smiling faces on everyone in Junior School! Please feel free to check out the Kilsyth Primary School Facebook page for plenty of photos! If you have raised money and chosen prizes, please stay patient, they will arrive soon. 

Farm Excursion

Thursday the 13th will be a really busy one for the Junior School! We are off to Collingwood Children's farm for the day. We are going to pat and feed the animals and learn some things about how our food is grown and produced. It should be a fantastic day.....cross your fingers for good weather! All students need to bring a packed lunch for the day. 

Christmas Carols @KPS

Also next Thursday the 13th is Community Christmas Carols at KPS. Our annual event is set to be a 'cracker' this year and we cannot wait for you all to come and sing a carol or 2 with the students. Each year level is practising their songs and so eager to perform! The choir will be singing as well. All families and friends are welcome! This is a great opportunity to bring a picnic dinner and celebrate the end of a successful year with the KPS community! Don't forget your Christmas T-shirt.