Foundation News

The end of week 8!

Time flies when you're having fun! And that we have been. So busy with activities from Asia Day to the Colour Explosion Run! Students have really enjoyed participating in the activities and being a part of the experience.  Mrs Wallace organised a terrific Asia Day experience. Students took part in hands on activities exposing them to things that form part of Asian culture. They enjoyed taking their passport around to the different classrooms (countries) and collecting stamps (stickers) to add to their passport. Thanks everyone for helping your child dress in red and white and experience the day.  We were very impressed with the number of students who said they were going to try some Asian food for the first time - well done!

Learning Experiences

Maths - it's been wonderful exploring pre and post test data related to areas of Number. Students have been exploring subtraction and in particular, subtraction stories.  Students have practised counting back, using fingers and doubles facts to answer subtraction.  They have explored maths in words and how you can read problems and work out ways to solve these. Our subtraction stories are on display in our classroom.


Reading - students have blown us away with their achievement of personal reading goals. Many of us have worked on retelling information, in order and using language from the text.  Fluency has been a focus for some and also expression.  In regards to Magic Words, please explore the words your child is learning to read in depth.  It's great that they can read them but we want to develop an understanding that we don't just read them, test them, pass them and move on.  Exploring words in depth is important.  Can they read the word in a sentence? Do they know the meaning of them? There and their is an important concept to understand early on.  Can they spell the word? Can they identify the short or  long vowel sound? I really encourage word fun to be a part of home learning and not just reading a list of words. 

Writing - Focusing on non-fiction text we've been exploring features of non-fiction in order to develop an understanding before we write information reports.  Our research continues and we hope to have finished our reports by the end of next week. Then we will move on to Transactional genre - letters, emails and postcards. 

Digital Technology - with our usual timeslot being interrupted we have used alternative time in class to research information related to our Information Report. We hope to finish these next week.


A short and sweet experience and SO MUCH FUN! Thanks to our parent helpers on the day: Sally, Sarah, Nicole, Fiona and Emily (I hope I haven't missed anyone!)  Our students loved the run and had a great time! Well done to Mrs Hadley for her organisation and the icy pole at the end!

Check us out!

Not long left...

3 weeks of school to go! I can't believe it!

Don't forget our excursion to Mornington Beach on WEDNESDAY 5th.  I will send home a notice for this on Monday.

Our movie date is Saturday 8th for a 10am session of THE GRINCH! I've bought my ticket so in order to avoid disappointment get in early.

Christmas Carols is THURSDAY 13th @ 5pm


Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the sunshine and the things that your family are doing at this festive time of year!

Thank you for your support along the way this year.  We look forward to sharing an enjoyable 15 days together and beginning some Christmas activities in the coming weeks.