VCE Drama

Year 11 and 12 Drama students are heading into the city next Thursday to see 'Picnic at Hanging Rock'; a live theatre performance at the Malthouse Theatre.


Picnic at Hanging Rock  has haunted the Australian psyche for over a century. One summer’s day in 1900, three schoolgirls and a teacher inexplicably vanished, never to be seen again. The trip was supposed to be a Saint Valentine’s Day treat. They were supposed to be home for dinner.


Five performers will struggle to solve the mystery of the missing girls and their teacher. Euphoria and terror will reverberate throughout Appleyard College, as the potential for history to repeat itself becomes nightmarishly real.


Picnic at Hanging Rock is a story that defies explanation, a story that / proves that horror is a warm, sunny day.


As part of the course requirements for Units 1 & 3, the students will then be writing a performance analysis on the play.


For many students, this will be their first live theatre experience so we’re all very excited to see this modern adaptation of the great Australian classic!


Later in March, all VCE Drama students will also be attending the Top Class Drama Performances as part of the 2015 VCE Season of Excellence. This showcases Drama students from 2015 who received high scores in their Solo Performance exam and is a perfect opportunity for this year's students to see the standard of work required to achieve this.


We would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes to Emily Svarnias who achieved a high A+ for her Solo last year and is performing during the Top Class series; good luck Em!

Jacki Goode and Narelle McGrotty

Important Arts Dates

10 March

‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’ theatre excursion


21 March

Top Class Drama excursion


2 May 

‘Peddling’ theatre excursion


18 May to 20 May

VCE Arts Camp


2 June

Unit 3 Ensemble Performances (6.30pm)

Instrumental Music News

The following bands and ensembles have started rehearsing in the lovely new PAC building at lunch times;

  • Vocal Ensemble - Mondays
  • Funk Band - Tuesdays
  • LHS Band - Thursdays

The guitar and percussion ensembles will be starting soon so keep an eye on Compass for rehearsal times.


The Rookie Band, which is for all of the new Year 7 musicians will be starting next term.


Kate McAlister

Instrumental Music Coordinator

Music Classrooms

The Year 7 SEALP students have been making their own musical instruments at home and will be bringing them in to perform on next week.


Year 8 Music students have started their Rock Band Biography, researching a band from the 1950's - 1990's. 


This week, students in Years 7 to 10 have been working towards their Common Assessment Tasks.  Each class has been learning about musical elements relating to different styles and decades of Music.


Year 11 VCE Music students have been working very hard to learn many aspects of theory in class. Students have completed a full week dedicated to memorising and practising major, minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor scales.


VCE Music students are reminded they are able to use the Practice Rooms on the following days in Term 1;

  • Monday 3 pm to 5 pm
  • Tuesday 3 pm to 4 pm
  • Thursday 3 pm to 5 pm

Kate McAlister

Instrumental Music Coordinator


Sarah Hardy

Head of Arts