Year 7 News

With only 3 weeks until the end of Term 1, the Year 7 students have settled in brilliantly into Lilydale High School.


Already they have participated in a range of activities including, Launch into High School, the Melbourne Zoo excursion, weekly Home Group activities and the school swimming carnival.


Still to come this term is the Grade 6 / Year 7 Sports Day, immunisations and of course the first of three Year 7 camps.

Year 7 Camp

CYC “The Island”

This camp is an essential component of student orientation into Year 7 at Lilydale High School.  


The indemnity form and payment of $250 MUST be made through Compass or the School Office by TODAY, Friday 4 March.  


It is essential we have all payments and medical forms for our planning.


Camp 1

Monday 21 March - Wednesday 23 March


Camp 2

Monday 11 April - Wednesday 13 April


Camp 3

Monday 18 April - Wednesday 20 April

Principal's Award

This week we congratulated the following students on their Principal’s Award.


This award is based on a fortnightly period and recognises those who have worked hard during class time and have shown respect to those around them.


737  Tyler Swann

739  Ashleigh Neale

741  Livinia Honeycombe

746  Hugo Goncalves

747  Charlotte King

748  Ryan Harris

749  Summer Payne

750  Karla Anderson

751  Derek Findlay

752  Noah Fream

753  Storm Tomlinson

754  Charli Granville

755  Ashley Sheridan

756  Bree Sudormirski

757  Bailey King

Attendance Ladder

This is well and truly on its way. The current Home Group leader is 7.41. The race is on.

Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all the Year 7 students who participated in the swimming carinval on Tuesday 1 March.


This was a fantastic day and the Year 7 students were absolutely brilliant.


Katie Wilson

Head of Year 7