Health and Human Development

Students studying Units 1/2 OR 3/4 Health and Human Development require the Jacaranda textbook.


This resource can be accessed online. Students use information in the cover page to register their book to ‘Jacplus’, providing them with an online version of the textbook, as well as making use of the interactive activities and additional reading.


The book includes access to the ‘study on’ online resource; a series of slides summarising the key knowledge, quiz questions for each concept and chapter tests.


All HHD students are encouraged to utilise this resource to further their understanding of the concepts covered in class.

Year 10 'Fitness for Me'

Students studying ‘Fitness for Me’ have been learning about the energy systems, and how ATP provides the energy for muscular contractions.


Some classes created ‘Claymation’ videos depicting this process – an excellent opportunity for the students to represent their understanding in a creative way!

Sport Education in a Physical Education Program (SEPEP)

Throughout the year, students in Years 7 and 8 participate in a SEPEP program.  This is incorporated in the Volleyball and Handball units for Year 7 students, and the Basketball and Indoor Hockey units for Year 8 students.


The SEPEP method of delivery focuses heavily on student-centred learning. In addition to participating as a part of a team, each class member takes on a role, such as sports trainer, captain or umpire. The program builds independence, teamwork and encourages students to show initiative, concluding with a unit reflection made up of a peer assessment.


A copy of the peer assessment used in the program can be found below.


Meaghan Harmes

Assistant Head of PASE