School Counsellor 

Emily Bieber - at Kalinda on Mondays and Thursdays in 2021.

Hi everyone. It’s the Olympic edition. Some days it feels like we are in the lockdown Olympics, but we are on our way to success. Slowly but surely.


Have you dusted off your board games this lockdown?

  • Monopoly: Deal out a few properties as freebies before the game begins!
  • Scrabble: Ditch the board and use all the letters together to make some cool words: jelly, bottom, sparkle, snottynose…all the classy ones.
  • Uno: you get the same amount of cards as your age (sorry oldies)
  • and Backgammon, for your reluctant mathematician. 
  • Oh, and what about this tricky quiz for the person in your household that claims to know ALL the Olympic facts?


Back to welfare though:

Here’s a lovely resource – a doco on teenagers and screens. I think it will apply to all ages There’s also Four Corners (ABC iview) This Monday they covered social media and Tik Tok, and it’s impacts on young people. 


Hang in there parents and carers. 


Drop me a line or give me a call if you would like any support or information.

Emily Bieber: or 9876 3289