Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Welcome back to Term 3! 


Last week Australia celebrated NAIDOC week with the theme for this year being “Heal Country”. Pope Francis is also an advocate for Healing our Country, through identity, relationships and the environment. In Laudato Si (2005), Pope Francis states that 

“the health crisis that humanity is currently experiencing reminds us of our fragility. We understand to what extent we are linked to one another, part of a world we share, and that mistreating it can only have serious consequences, not only environmental, but also social and human.” 

As we are currently facing Covid restrictions throughout NSW, it is an important time to reflect on our behaviours and attitudes which may affect those around us. 


So, after reflecting on the theme of NAIDOC week and Pope Francis’ words, we are called to treat each other with kindness, respecting and acknowledging all so that we may live harmoniously. We can not change the past, but we do have a choice in how our future is shaped. 



Although there are Covid restrictions, the Sacramental program with Father Glesson is still going ahead. Face masks and social distancing are mandatory. Candidates are to attend 3 out of 4 of the Catechesis sessions. If there are extenuating circumstances, especially in these times, please contact myself or Father Gleeson.