Learning opportunities

Year 10 Subject Selection
Subject selection for our Year 10 students is just around the corner with students needing to make selections by the end of Week 5 this term (this may be dependent on the lock down). Students have been given a range of information about Year 11 and 12 and what is required of them to receive a HSC and/or an ATAR. Students and parents have been given access to the subject selection booklet (through Microsoft Teams and via the school website) which has a great deal of information in it about patterns of study, units, category A and category B subjects and about all the subjects that are offered at Cecil Hills High School.
There will be a parent information session where there will be time for questions and answers with individual faculty Head Teachers. This is scheduled to take place online on Monday, 2 August from 6:30pm. A link to the meeting and more information will be sent via email in the coming days.
Online Learning
As a school we have been tracking online learning and engagement data. Currently we have a very small number of students, around 5-7 students per year group not engaging with online lessons each day which is amazing. We are making parent calls to these families in the hope that we get as close to 100% of students engaging each day.
In most cases (unless instructed otherwise), students are required to log into Microsoft Teams where their teachers will mark a roll and start the lesson. Some teachers are then utilising other programs such as Google Classroom, Zoom or Moodle to conduct their lessons, share learning material and provide valuable student learning feedback.
If your child is having trouble engaging with online learning for any reason, you can call the school on 9822 1430 or email cecilhills-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au.
Joel Howard
Deputy Principal - Year 10