Providing guidance and support

Here we are again - back to the world of online learning and lockdown! Just like last year, it has been inspiring to see how well the entire school community has responded to the current challenges and the way in which students have taken things in their stride and continued with their learning. Their commitment to their work and they way in which they are interacting with their teachers online will position them well to continue on their path to success once we return to face to face learning.
Year 8
Year 8 grade meetings will continue very Monday and Friday during online learning. At the meeting this week, students were asked about how they are managing their learning and what support that they need. The information received from this survey will drive the direction of future meetings, so we encourage all Year 8 students to complete the survey. A link can be found in your Google Classroom.
Each day Miss Cupac, Mr King and Mr Wilcox are posting a challenge for the day that some students have submitted great responses to! These will continue for as long as we are learning from home and the best contributors will receive prizes for their efforts. It would be great to see families involved in these challenges as well so be sure to share Year 8!
Thank you to Mr King, who has supported Year 8 while Mr Wilcox has been on leave. Mr Wilcox returns on Monday and Mr King will continue to support our students in Learning Support.
Keep up the great work Year 8!
Year 11
In some ways, it is business as usual for Year 11. Students have continued to work hard and have been completing assessment tasks in line with their Assessment Schedule. If there are any changes made to this schedule, students will be notified in writing and given at least two weeks notice.
I say that it is ‘business as usual’ because at our online assembly on Tuesday , students were asked how they were managing online learning and their responses are below. It is great to see that Year 11 are making the most of this situation by working productively and getting on with their learning.
I look forward to hopefully seeing you all soon!
Michael Lane
Deputy Principal - Year 8 and Year 11