Mastering online learning

Year 7
Year 7 students have been successfully engaging in online learning this term, starting the day with Connect and meeting their teachers and classmates as a team each period. Across their subjects, they’ve been engaging in varied learning, including cells in Science and medieval times in History. Congratulations Year 7.
Keep up the great work!
Year 7 have also been perfecting their online learning skills and having some fun, including a crazy hat competition.
Year 12
Year 12 students are not letting lockdown get in the way of their learning, with meaningful and engaging lessons with their teachers and peers everyday as they work towards their HSC. Teachers and students are finding new and engaging ways to finish their course content, write responses and get feedback and complete their revision and practice tasks. Congratulations Year 12. Your teachers are proud of you!
The Year 12 Google Classroom is being utilised to keep students up-to-date on school and NESA announcements, including #stayhealthyHSC, which encourages Year 12 students to stay healthy, active and connected at this time.
A great way of keeping Year 12 students connected has been Connect meetings in the morning before the first period of the day, even celebrating Mrs Green’s birthday while we are in lockdown.
Ms J Cremin
Deputy Principal - Year 7 and Year 12