Student Learning

Senior Debating
Senior debating has wrapped up for the year with the final debating round taking place online as lockdown started for us at 8pm on the 5th of August!
The team, Sage P, Charlie S, and Ilaria C, did their best against our competition from Ilim College, but were unfortunately overcome. The topic was 'That programs glorifying the military (eg SAS) should not be broadcast' and CHS was the affirmative team.
Unfortunately our year 10 debating team was not able to debate in the final round.
Thank you so much to every single person who's come to a debating meeting and helped out; thank you to the speakers for each team; and a special shout out to every person who got up to debate for the first time. We've struggled through with Covid-related postponements and changes and I appreciate the effort and flexibility each person has brought to the table. Once we return to school, please keep an eye out for certificates showing your participation from me. Once I know where we placed in the overall comp I'll let you know - we may yet be called upon to compete once more in a quarter finals!
C Grade - Tabby B, Monique C, Sunday B, Romy G, Kelli B, and Sehaj G.
D Grade - Emma G, Charlie S, Sage P, Ilaria C, Matilda D, Violet K, Eden M, Finn M, and Riley T.
Junior Debating
And as one debating competition draws to a close, another begins! The junior debating competition, also run by the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV), kicks off this week. We've entered the online competition and have begun our online training. The draws are to be decided, but the team is keen and looking forward to debating!
Kelly Aguirre
Food Technology
Our students have adapted amazingly to the world of remote Food Tech! We hope families have enjoyed the wonderful smells (and tastes if they're kind enough to share!) coming out of kitchens all over Coburg and beyond. Year 9s have been making gnocchi and pizza bases from scratch, Year 10s have made scones and jam drop biscuits, and the Year 11s have made mouthwatering simmer sauces. Take a look at some of their wonderful creations below:
Chantelle Rowland & Olivia Stray
Hello Amazing Coburgians!
Well what crazee times we are living through now! So what's been happening in science I hear you say? The awesome 7E made their own parachutes during lockdown for their forces unit and looked at the various forces and how different weights and manipulation of the parachute materials and shape can enhance its function.
For 9E & 9H we looked at building circuits from circuit diagrams and understanding parallel and series circuits.
Just before the lockdown we managed to fit in a few practicals of circuit building and managed to light quite a few bulbs!
The year 11 chemists studied acids and bases in Unit 2 AOS1, we were luckily enough to fit in quite a few practicals before lockdown where the students look at different chemicals and determined their pH, solubility and reactions of acids and bases.
My classes are all very lucky to have a fantastic pre service teacher from Melbourne University called Mona Wannous, who will be joining the classes and teaching them for the next 3 weeks.
Hope you are all well!
Stay safe!
From a double Pfizer vaccinated
Lakshmi Sharma