Acting Principal's Update

Welcome to another edition of the CHS newsletter, filled with many positive happenings from amongst the CHS community.
Remote Learning 6.2
When we went into our first lockdown in March 2020, it was understandably difficult for all members of our community. At that time, I recall people on social media drawing a contrast between the difficulties faced by previous generations, serving and losing their lives as part of world wars, as compared to the need to stay at home on the couch in this pandemic. Almost 18 months on and into our sixth stint of lockdown, it is clear that 'sitting on the couch' doesn't reflect the realities that all of us are facing, with many students, families and staff suffering from mental health challenges, financial pressures and continued uncertainty.
In this most recent period of remote learning, we have emphasised the need to practice gratitude, empathy, mindfulness and kindness, for ourselves and for others. I'd like to congratulate the inaugural 10,000 Steps Challenge winners - Mietta, Keilee, Radhika, Liam, Jaxon, Sally and Anna! It was great that around 70 students and staff participated in the challenge.
Our job at CHS has been to provide continuity of learning for our students. I recognise that motivation levels for remote learning at this stage are not high for all students, but I'd like to say well done to those students who have continued to work hard despite the physical disconnect from their classmates and school. I'd also like to thank our staff and parent community for continuing to support our young people through this most difficult time. As I write this on a Sunday afternoon, I can see that three of our teachers have taken the time - on a Sunday - to continue to post green chronicle entries for those students demonstrating the Coburg values of curiosity and excellence. Well done to Aimee, Terry, Kelli, Lachlan, Antonio, Ella and Evie!
We're currently running virtual assemblies for each year level to recognise our Semester 1 Academic Award winners, and I will share the winners in the next newsletter report.
Essential Assessments
At the time of writing, the government has just announced that only performing arts subjects students can attend school at this time for essential assessments and exam preparation. Students attending will need to have a COVID-test prior to coming on-site. We will keep the affected students and their families across these arrangements. We will also forward any information regarding the General Achievement Test (GAT), scheduled for next Thursday 9 September, as it comes to hand.
Student-Led Conferences
Back on Wednesday 21 July, we held our Student-Led Conferences for Year 7-10 students. These were a great way for students to demonstrate to their parents/carers and a significant teacher some of the aspects of learning that they are most proud of from the first half of the year. Also on this day, VCE Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences and Year 11 into 12 Course Counselling were able to take place, providing feedback to our families and helping us to prepare for 2022.
A message to our Afghan community
To our Coburg community. We would like to take this opportunity to express our solidarity with and care for, our students and families of Afghan background and to their loved ones still in Afghanistan. We want you all to know that we are here; we see what you are going through. We are so glad that you are here in our community, and we want to offer our support to you and your families.
If Coburg families wish to make a practical contribution to support the people of Afghanistan, I would encourage you to consider making a donation to a charity supporting the Afghan people, such as Care:
Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents/caregivers/guardians (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey). It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning.
Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open until Friday 3rd September.
School Council Report
At our most recent School Council meeting on Thursday 19 August:
- We had a presentation from Peter Eddy from Basketball Victoria, who updated us on the progress of the proposed Basketball Stadium at CHS.
- We received a report from the continuing work of the Respectful Relationships group. CHS is proud to be a lead RR school.
- The Facilities and Sustainability Sub-Committee and Communications Sub-Committee have been working on seeking funding for a Masterplan for the school.
- Council thanked those parents involved in the recent tree planting near the blue courts - please read more in the 'Community' section of this newsletter.
- The school is expecting another four portable classrooms for the 2022 school year, and Council discussed the placement of these.
- There was a discussion needed around strategic thinking about how the school responds in a long term capacity to the ongoing incidence of Remote Learning and query what the DET’s long term plan is in this space.
Millzy's off to Richmond AFLW!
In my last newsletter report, I congratulated Emilia (Millzy) Yassir for being included in the recent draft combine. Since that time, Milzy has been drafted by Richmond AFLW for the 2021-22 season. Congratulations Millzy! You can read more here: