Principal's Update

At Dundas Public School we do our best always

We made it! It has been an exceptionally busy end of term with so many school events taking place over the last few weeks. I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our amazing teachers, support staff, admin team, P&C and parent community who have generously given up countless hours and have shown immense dedication and enthusiasm. It is because of you, that our students have enjoyed a fun and memorable end to the 2022 school year. These end of year events are proof that we have the most amazing school and community at Dundas Public School.

2023 School Organisation

School organisation and staffing for 2023 is underway and this will be guided by

student enrolment numbers, especially new enrolments that we may receive at the start of next year.


Tuesday, 31st January is the first day of Term 1, 2023 for our students in Years 1-6. On

this day our students will come to school and line up with their 2022 class and teacher

(please note: some teachers may differ due to staffing changes). It is expected that students will stay in their 2022 classes until student enrolment numbers are confirmed. 


Our 2023 Kindergarten students will attend their Best Start Assessment on either Tuesday 31 January, Wednesday 1 February, Thursday 2 February or Friday 3 February. The first day of big school for our Kindergarten students is Monday 6 February.


Please note - We will provide information about our 2023 school structure (classes and

teachers) to our school community when we return to school in Term 1.

2023 Staff Organisation

Finally, to the wonderful staff at Dundas Public school. I am in awe of the teamwork, passion, and drive to support our students with an unwavering dedication to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for all of our students. We have been able to permanently employ wonderful staff to Dundas PS. This year we were able to secure permanent positions for Mr Stopps as our General Assistant, Mrs Benco as our EAL/D teacher, Mrs Zalaf as an Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction, and Mrs Taylor as our new Assistant Principal.  


As we know, circumstances in our lives change and for this reason, we say farewell and good luck to some much-loved staff members as their lives take a new direction. 


We say farewell to both Mr Talevski and Ms Riccobono as they move on to other schools. We say farewell and good luck to Mr Salvatore and Mrs Ward as they both start 2023 in new schools in permanent teaching positions. As mentioned in a previous newsletter, Mrs Percincula is moving to another school which with require a lot less travel for her and her family. Dundas PS will miss your knowledge, expertise, your passion, your leadership and your sense of humour!  


On behalf of the entire school community, I thank you all for your years of dedicated and committed service to the students and families of Dundas Public School. You will all be missed! 


However, I am pleased to share with the community that we have some outstanding staff returning next year to teach our wonderful students. On behalf of the school community, I welcome back to Dundas Public School Mrs Singh, Mrs Green, Mrs Campbell and Mr McSeveny. I have shared with them the news of the spontaneous cheer that erupted from students when I shared this news at Wednesday’s Assemblies of Excellence. They were all very touched and are so looking forward to seeing everyone on their return.


I extend my sincerest gratitude to the professional staff and supportive parent community of our school. As a school community, we have remained focused and committed to our school vision which states that we partner with parents and the wider community to provide a quality education that values the future of all students.  

Happy Holidays!

I am very proud to be the Principal of Dundas Public School. I would like to wish everyone a relaxing, safe and enjoyable break. I sincerely hope you will have the opportunity to recharge your batteries and spend time with your loved ones. To all of our families travelling overseas to connect with your loved ones after so many years apart, I hope that you are able to treasure every moment. 


From my family to yours -

Merry Christmas and may the joy of the holiday season bring good health, love and

laughter to you, your family and friends.


I look forward to seeing you all in 2023, ready for another exciting and busy year at Dundas Public School.




Kind regards,

Lee Shipley
