Endeavour House News

It has been a lovely finish to the term, the girls always enjoy the end of term as they start to realise their time together is coming to an end. Some of our boarders are moving out of boarding to become day school students and the urgency to spend more time together is prevalent.  I would like to say thank you to our Endeavour leaders for 2022, Sophie Harris, Amy Medway and Chloe Climie. Thank you for your service to Endeavour House and to boarding, next year’s Endeavour leaders will be chosen by the new Head of Endeavour. 


Recently we bought a new outdoor game called Crossnet and put it up between Anchorage and Endeavour. The boarders from both houses have enjoyed many hours of this volleyball-like game, so much so that we need to keep moving it to keep the lawn alive. Mrs Freeman has enjoyed a few games of this one with the Middle School boarders also. Prior to this, they were enjoying another game we purchased called Spikeball, this has been loads of fun also.  

The usual array of cooking and crafts has taken place in Endeavour. One of our new supervisors, Ms McArtney inspires the girls to bake, they made S’mores together on the weekend. They ate them so quickly we didn’t get photos! We even had the Year Fours come to boarding for breakfast as part of their first camp. The Christmas Tree was also decorated over the weekend under the watchful eye of Ms McArtney and Mrs Freeman.

Secret Santa

On Thursday night after the Christmas Dinner, we shared our Secret Santa gifts, we sat in a circle and opened them one by one and said farewell to those who are leaving boarding. We always enjoy this tradition of gift-giving and showing gratitude to those around us. It was an emotional night as the reality of the changes ahead dawned on many. I told the Endeavour boarders that I expect to hear many amazing stories of the fabulous things they have achieved in future years and asked them to set their standards high.  


We celebrated Miley’s birthday on 15 November with an ice cream cake when she returned from time with her family.  That is the end of cake eating for the year. 

It is time to say goodbye to GSG for me, I will miss the Endeavour boarders. I will genuinely always treasure my memories of working in boarding at Great Southern Grammar. I have learnt a lot from your children about boarding, teenagers and friendships from the many boarders I have cared for over the past four years. I thank you for letting me learn from them, support them in their journey and enjoy their company. Boarding is about connections, and I will not forget the connections I have made during my time in Endeavour House. 


Thank you all for the lovely gift that was presented last night at the Boarding Christmas Dinner. I look forward to saying farewell in person on Wednesday. 


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House