Christmas Dinner

The Boarding Christmas dinner and awards night was held on Thursday and was a great success. The night was a celebration of the whole of boarding, with students dressing in a Christmas theme, singing carols and enjoying marvellous food. We invited key support people from boarding and the day school, who have helped our students throughout the year. 

We began the evening with a Christmas reflection by Ms Vanessa Bromhead on what it means for Jesus to be born as Sovereign Lord. This year we introduced 'Spirit of Boarding' Awards. Each Head of House nominated two recipients who they believed best reflected the spirit and values of the boarding house. Each Head of House read a commendation and then announced the winners. The winners received gift vouchers to stores in Albany. Please congratulate:


Anchorage: Craig Wiech and Jack Lange

Endeavour: Amy Medway and Sophie Harris

Breaksea: Lily Quick and Tiffany Butterworth

Eclipse: Michael Watson and Kaleb Germain

There was also a prize for best-dressed awarded by Mr Mark Sawle. First place went to Henry Smith for his wonderful Santa Suit, second place to Hamish Medway and third place was a combined prize between Chloe Climie, Eilidh Kershaw and Mariella Somerscales who wore matching Christmas jumpers.  

The highlights of the evening were the Christmas carols sung by each boarding house. Breaksea took out the Boarder's Got Talent trophy for their rendition of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You. Credit must be given to each house for the enthusiasm shown with Anchorage singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Endeavour singing Aussie Jingle Bells and Eclipse providing a baritone version, with every verse, of Silent Night

The evening was also an opportunity for the students to farewell Ms Robertson, Mrs Ball and Ms Bromhead. It was a lovely evening with much laughter, kind words and thoughtful gestures.  We thank the dining staff for putting on a wonderful Christmas evening.

Ms Vanessa Bromhead | Head of Senior Boarding

Photo Competition

It's time to announce the winners of this year's photo competition.  This competition has been running for five years now and I would like to thank everyone who entered and everyone who voted.


Some of the voting over the years has been very close, but this year we did have a clear first, second and third place.


This year has also been quite interesting with the introduction of a lot of drone photos, which I expect we will see more of in years to come.


Third place was awarded to Hamish Murphy (Year Ten) for a coastal photo named Francois Peron National Park.  Well done Hamish.


Second place was also awarded to Hamish Murphy for a farming photo named Moving Sheep Moodiarrup. Well done again Hamish.


First place was awarded to Darcy Barrett (Year Eleven) for a drone photo named Jet Ski. Darcy has entered this competition consistently for the past four years. Congratulations Darcy!

Please enjoy viewing all our entries this year.

Darcy Barrett
Hamish Murphy
Hamish Murphy
Pierce Newman
Amy Medway
McKayla Ettridge
Emma Dolan
Koby Hams
Darcy Barrett
Brock Beeck
Darcy Barrett
Trenton Hams
Miley Peacock
Koby Hams
Koby Hams
Darcy Barrett
Emma Dolan
McKayla Ettridge
Matilda Norris
Emma Dolan
Lily Hall
Darcy Barrett
Hamish Murphy
Hamish Murphy
Pierce Newman
Amy Medway
McKayla Ettridge
Emma Dolan
Koby Hams
Darcy Barrett
Brock Beeck
Darcy Barrett
Trenton Hams
Miley Peacock
Koby Hams
Koby Hams
Darcy Barrett
Emma Dolan
McKayla Ettridge
Matilda Norris
Emma Dolan
Lily Hall

Mrs Dianne Franzinelli | Boarding Administrator