Wominjeka Everyone,


This is it! Our last newsletter for 2022.

We have been really overwhelmed by the warmth and generosity of all the families who have brough us presents and gratitude cards in the last few days. From the bottom of our hearts Thank You! 

OSHC team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe summer break and see you all next year!




  1. All day OSHC bookings for the last day of school,  tomorrow - Tuesday the 20th of December, are still open.

OSHC will operate from 7:30am until 6pm on the day.

As a celebration of the last day of school 2022, OSHC will provide 2 amazing incursions:

  • Circus with the amazing Tara and Joh from 10am to 12pm
  • African Drumming from 2-3pm


If you need care for the day or if you child would like to celebrate the end of year, please book through your Xplor app under the Student Free Day roll or add a comment “All Day OSHC” under Before School Care roll. If you have any issues you can email to oshc.brunswick.nw.ps@education.vic.gov.au

Cost: $85 before CCS



2. Permanent Booking for 2023 are now open.

Please be aware that all permanent bookings for 2022 do not carry over for 2023.

You don’t be to re-enroll your child as your account is already linked to your child enrolment.


If you need permanent booking for your child in 2023, please send an email to oshc.brunswick.nw.ps@education.vic.gov.au with the days and sessions that you need.

If you don’t know your dates yet, you can send an email with your request later in January 2023.



3. New Booking and Cancellation Policy

A reminder that OSHC has updated the Booking and Cancellation Policy and it will be effective as the 1st of January 2023.

All casual bookings and all session cancellation (for both permanent and casual bookings) will require a 24 hours notice prior the relevant session starting time.

This change will provide OSHC team to cater for a better service, including food preparation and staff ratio.

The new Booking and Cancellation Policy was sent out to all families via Xplor app and it will updated on the website for 2023.


For any enquiries please contact directly Bernadetta on 04 78 836 264 or oshc.brunswick.nw.ps@education.vic.gov.au