Parent Information

Make Reading Fun Session
Amy (Head of Curriculum) is running another Reading Session. If you missed out - here is another opportunity to attend.
The session will be done before school pick-up time.
Community Conversations - Save the date
What: "Community Conversations" with NDIS
Date: 17 February 2023
Location: Rockhampton North Special School.
More details to come.
School Reminders
SIGNING IN: Morning drop off times are between 0830 and 0850.
Students arriving after 0850 must be signed in at the office.
Pick up time is from 1450, unless an appointment is necessary.
Students being collected prior to 1450, must be signed out from the office.
LUNCHES: Please be mindful when packing your child's lunch for school. Please refrain from sending food in that requires heating.
STUDENT ABSENCES: Please phone the school office on 4999 0222 before 0850 if your child is going to be absent from school. If your child's absence is unexplained, you will receive a text message asking for a reason - please respond to this message with the reason, if you have forgotten to call earlier.
CAR PARKS: Please be advised that the disabled carparks are for mobility support and wheelchairs ONLY.
SUN SAFETY: Please remember; all students must bring and wear a hat at school. Sunscreen should also be applied prior to school drop off. Our school policy is now available on our website.
Book Club - Issue 8
Free Dental Treatment for RNSS Students
CQ Health is offering full dental treatment to the students currently enrolled at your school up to and including Year 10, commencing January 2023. This service will be provided by the Frenchville School Dental Clinic located on Frenchville Road, Frenchville 4701.
Oral Health Therapist, Tom Hamilton will be the health professional on site. Please direct any enquiries to the school dental administrative team on 4920 7556 / 4920 6372 or Liza Pretorius on 4920 7553 during business hours.
Good oral health is an important part of healthy living, and we appreciate your cooperation and welcome any questions you may have regarding our service.
Parents will be responsible for ensuring their child/children attend at the agreed appointment times.
Please note: Due to the access at the Frenchville School Dental clinic, any students who have wheelchairs will be booked for an appointment at the Rockhampton Community Dental Clinic.
App Recommendation - Scratch Junior