Leadership Report

Dear families,
I have read most of our students report comments over the past week and I am delighted to read about the learning that has occurred in every classroom this semester. The fantastic progress that our students have made in their learning is a direct result of intensive and intentional teaching by our staff. As I walk through the school during learning time, I have seen staff delivering learning so that every student is able to access the learning in their own way. I have also noticed an increase in student engagement and minimal classroom disruption. The creativity of our staff to make learning fun and engaging is outstanding.
Over the next few weeks, we are celebrating student’s learning through Culminating Events. Thank you to all the parents who have visited their child’s classroom so far. This is a great opportunity for our staff and students to showcase learning. I am very proud of what our school community achieved this year.
The Graduation Ceremony has been overwhelmingly positive, and the Graduate Speeches were the highlight of the evening. Staff celebrated in the journey and achievements of every student, and I saw a few tears of joy and understanding of what has been involved to reach this milestone for every student. Thank you to all the staff who organised the event and made the evening possible. A special thank you to Judy, the Senior Secondary Team and the staff at the Heritage Village.
Our students listened to our future School Captain speeches on Monday. It takes a huge amount of confidence to stand in front of your peers and promote yourself as the next School Captain. I am very pleased with the courage displayed of our prospective future Captains.
We are in the early stages of planning a swimming program for next year. We are awaiting confirmation of timeslots for Term 1 and Term 4 at our local pool. At this stage we plan that the Secondary School swimming program to be delivered in Term 1 and the Primary School swimming program to be delivered in Term 4 on a dedicated day every week. To enable our students to access a swimming program delivered by a swimming instructor with the correct qualification we ask that families put aside an amount of $100. At this stage, this amount is an estimate, but I would like to forewarn families of this expenditure in advance.
We have had a very busy few weeks in the area of curriculum. Everyone is heavily immersed in planning for 2023, with teachers collaborating to meet the needs of every student in their new cohort. We have also started our journey in implementing Systematic Synthetic Phonics across our school. Staff training has started and will continue next year. We are excited to announce a third reading workshop (same content as the previous two), to be held on Thursday the 1st of December (week 9) at 2.10, finishing just before pick-up time. If you missed the last workshops this is a fantastic opportunity to learn about all things reading and connect with other parents in the process.
The new carpark has opened, and we are finalising a few details and correcting some things. We appreciate your patience and excitement as we have opened the carpark and changed the drop off and pick up areas. The new carpark is working well and although it seems a little small, it has been built in accordance with the Standards.
The new building is well underway, and the builders are making progress with the concrete slab. Due to some materials delay, the new building is not scheduled to be finished until September 2023. In the meantime, we trust you all have found the new administration with limited issues. We appreciate your ongoing patience with the changes in construction.
We are looking forward to seeing everybody at our End of Year Concert.
Come and celebrate the end of year with a sausage sizzle.
Kind regards,
Dehlia, Sam, Amy & Alana