Health Centre

Happy Holidays from the Health Team!

As we prepare for our well deserved summer holidays, it is important to remember to be Sun Smart! The 5 Sun Smart steps include: Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide

  1. Slip on covering clothing
  2. Slop on SPF 30 or higher sunscreen
  3. Slap on a hat
  4. Seek Shade
  5. Slide on sunglasses

UV radiation can be damaging to your skin without you knowing it. The sun’s UV radiation is both a major cause of skin cancer and the most natural source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, muscles and general health.


It’s important to take a balanced approach to sun exposure which helps with Vitamin D levels, while minimising the risk of skin cancer with appropriate sun protection. Sun Smart Australia is a valuable resource of information and can be found on:


Sun smart Australia has also developed a free SunSmart App that can alert you to when the UV is above 3 and suggest appropriate sun protection for your current location. The app can be downloaded via the following link:

End of year Reminders!

All medication packs that have been collected from the Health Centre must be returned on the first day back at school.


Any student that is asthmatic or has a known anaphylaxis or allergy should supply an updated management plan to Wantirna College.  If you are new to the school you will have now been emailed the necessary paperwork. This paperwork requires completion as per the Department of Education guidelines and should be returned to the school at the beginning of the 2023 school year. It is recommended that all management plans are reviewed by a medical practitioner annually and supplied to our school at the beginning of the year. All the latest action plans can be accessed via the following links or under the documentation section of Compass. 






Copies can also be collected directly from the Health Centre during the school term.


We wish all our families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  As always please make contact with us if you have any student medical concerns or updates.  Have a healthy and happy summer holidays! 


Melissa Wade & Eva Gray

Wantirna College Health Team