Learning & Teaching

It's been an incredibly productive year in learning and teaching at the college and you simply need to revisit our past newsletters to see the amazing array of curricular and extra curricular opportunities our students have participated in.


We can be proud of our student achievement in and out of class this year and I am especially pleased with the NAPLAN and VCE data, both of which show  learning gains as a result of our dedicated staff, and capable and motivated students.


I thank all my colleagues and the students and parents who have made my first year at the college such a positive and productive one.


A couple of highlights to look out for next year....


In Term 1, we plan to roll out our Assessment Platform, Maestro, to all students and parents in all subjects across the college. Maestro presents the developmental rubrics for every unit of learning to better connect students to their learning and gives them the tools and the agency to take greater control over skills and knowledge acquisition. Students will have the opportunity in class and at home, to log into Maestro to view the learning steps and self assess their learning progress, upload evidence of learning and view teachers worked examples of key skills/knowledge.


Respectful Relationships

Ms Rebecca Howell is our RR leader next year and her passion and drive will have real impacts in 2023. We are planning relevant and engaging curriculum workshops to be delivered by curriculum experts (internal and external) to support students with their social emotional development and to create a really positive respectful college community.


Calm and Productive Learning Environments and School Wide Positive Behaviours

Last week we were fortunate enough to have Glen Pearsall, an expert in Behaviour Management, provide excellent professional learning to all our school leaders and sub school teachers. Glen unpacked some very simple and effective strategies for all teachers to use to address low level and high level behaviours that sometimes impact on learning environment. We all benefit when teachers use consistent strategies and a common language.


In Term 1 next year, we will upskill all teachers to use these strategies and know how to reinforce positive student behaviours as described in our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix. Our aim is to continue to create Calm and Productive learning environments to optimise the learning

From Amplify to ELEVATE in 2023

Our current Amplify program has been carefully evaluated in recent weeks and we are very excited to announce ELEVATE as our rebranded and repurposed special program for Year 9 &10 students every Wed, Period 4, next year. 


The program will ELEVATE students' critical, ethical and creative thinking skills as well as problem solving  and STEM skills whilst better preparing them for life pathways and future studies.


Each term, students will participate in a series of highly engaging and interactive lessons with very relevant content.


Year 9 - One term each of:

  • ELEVATE English -  navigating social media safely and positively
  • City Experience (Term 2)  - Planning and participation in the City Experience Program
  • Everyday Ethics - Humanities
  • Respectful Relationships - Lessons focused on building skills in developing healthy relationships with yourself and others, as well as building mental wellness, body positivity and sex education

Year 10 - One term each:

  • ELEVATE English - become critical creators and consumers of media and social media content
  • KIOSC - Bees with Backpacks - 8 weeks of hands on sessions at the specialist STEM school, KIOSC, on design thinking and STEM program
  • Everyday Ethics - Humanities
  • Respectful Relationships - Lessons focused on building skills in developing healthy relationships with yourself and others, as well as building mental wellness, body positivity and sex education

Natalie Manser 

Assistant Principal
