
Australian Maths Competition

Earlier in the year, 81 students from Year 7 to 11 sat the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). The AMC is completed by tens of thousands students across Australia. Students compete in a range of age-based divisions.

Amongst our 81 students, we had one student achieve a High Distinction, 10 students achieve a Distinction, and 30 students achieve a Credit. 


Congratulations to Matthew Wang of Year 8 who achieved a High Distinction. Matthew finished in the top 3% of all students in the Junior Division, answering 25 of the 30 questions correct. Well done Matthew! Nicholas Lubansky of Year 7 was our next best performing student, finishing in the top 4% of all students and answering 23 questions correctly. Based on the statistical analysis of their respective performances, Matthew and Nicholas were both awarded ‘Best in School’ awards.


Congratulations to the following students who also achieved a Distinction:


Year 7

Mia Kim (top 10%)

Vanessa Kong (top 14%)

Renato Rigoli (top 18%)

Year 8

Huy Nguyen (top 10%)

Jayvel Singh (top 11%)

Denzel Fernandez (top 15%)

Grace Limanto (top 19%)

Callum Coombs (top 19%)

Year 9

Chung Ning Tam (top 16%)


Well done to all students who participated in the Competition.

KIOSC Mathspace Competition  

Over the last few weeks of term, our Year 7 & 8 students had the opportunity to participate in a Mathspace competition, organised by our friends at Swinburne KIOSC. The competition involved students completing a range of investigative and skills based tasks around various themes.

Four of our students were rewarded with some excellent prizes, courtesy of KIOSC. Congratulations to Vanessa Kong and Caleb Limanto of Year 7, and Dylan Neal and Julie Quach of Year 8. These four students showed persistence and grit when completing these tasks and have been duly recognised.


Thank you to the team at KIOSC who put this competition together for our students and for providing the prizes. 


Mark Oudshoorn

Leader of Mathematics and Whole School Numeracy