Thank you!

Thank you to all the members of the community who have given some of their time to lend a hand to the school. We appreciate what you do!

A big thank you to the following students and their families, who cared for our school chickens during the holidays:


Sebastian W, Maddie H, Sebastian H, Sophie C, Ariel N, Antoine D, Eadie P, Percy P, Anders W, Ezra W and Isla F.


We are very grateful for all your help! An extra big thank you to Marc and Kate for the coop modifications and vegie scraps 😊


We need chicken helpers for weekends, so please contact Mme Wilson via Compass if you can assist.


Thank you to the students and families who came during school holiday

Thank you for giving up time to clean and weed the front garden of the school.  We could not have done it without you!