
Welcome back to a great new school year.  It has been lovely seeing all of our students coming back and filling the corridors with their laughter and chatter!

Settling back into routine can be challenging, getting used to new classes and new teacher, expectations, new work and into social situations.  During this time it is quite common for a few nerves or anxious feelings and also the odd after school melt down.  


Holding ourselves together for a whole day while stepping away from the safety net of parents can be hard for some children.  They keep all of their feelings and thoughts bottled up and then when in the 'safety' of the home environment the volcano of feelings overflows, this is due to tiredness and regulating emotions in a new space.  I always say to parents that as parents we are the people that children feel the safest with and love the most,  and because of this we also get to experience the full force of their volcanos because they feel supported, loved and safe.  These meltdowns can be hard to manage and exhausting for both children and parents.  The Institute of Child Psychology has a few handy tips for trying to 'calm down' our unregulated children - see below.