Laptops 2023

Laptops for 2023
At Wantirna College all students have a computer as a basic tool for learning. Our aim is to make the process of your child owning a computer as easy as possible for you.
Current Year 9 students and some others
In 2019 when your child was looking to start at Wantirna College the next year, we talked to you about our 1:1 program for Year 7 to 9 students. Many of you chose the option of using a leased computer through the College. Please note that the College never sold computers only leased them.
The term of the lease expires at the end of this year. At the completion of the lease the terms allow the leasee to purchase the computer for a market price. We have determined the market price for the leased computer is $1. In the last week of your child’s attendance at Wantirna for this year, they will need to either return the computer or decide they wish to keep the computer. DET regulations state that if the computer is being kept it will need to be brought to the IT office where all programs apart from Windows 10 will be removed from the computer. Once the programs are removed the computer can be taken home.
If you don’t want the device then you can donate it to the College. We will then reimage suitable devices as loan devices for students who may need them.
Parents and students with a leased computer that started in 2020 have a number of options for 2023. They are:
1. To keep the current computer, have all the programs removed and then reload any software including the software available from DET through the College at no charge. Please note as the computer is then the property of the student the computer is considered a BYOD and the following apply:
- Technician support is limited to only assisting students whilst they load the settings required to the College wireless network and internet access.
- The College technicians cannot fix software or hardware issues for these devices.
- There is no insurance or warranty coverage for the device.
2. Purchase a new device from the College’s preferred supplier. This can either be a Windows computer or an Apple MacBook. Details and a link to purchase are available in the attachments below.
3. Purchase a device from another supplier and use this as a BYOD under the terms listed later in this letter.
Please download the following attachment for more information on the types of devices available and Bring Your Own Device information.
Please scan the QR Code below for information about the Apple Mac computers available for Year 10 and above.
Andrew Lewis
Assistant Principal