Subject Selection Confirmation

Subject Selection Confirmation 2023
All Year 10 students who recently attended an assembly in Explore received their subject selection confirmation for 2023, along with important information regarding the subject change process.
Year 8 and 9 students will receive their subject confirmation in Week 9.
Year 10
The College dedicates a significant amount of time and resources to ensure pathway planning and subject advice is available to all students prior to subject selection. In designating a student’s program, the College has taken into account preference order, subject availability and timetable restrictions. As per the communication to Year 10 students on Microsoft Teams and Compass, if any student has any questions or concerns regarding their subjects for 2023, they should speak to Mr Hoogkamer or Mr Black at Senior School as soon as possible.
If students did not receive their subject confirmation, they are required to collect this from Senior School.
In the event a Year 10 student requests a change of subject prior to the end of the year, they must complete the following process below.
Step 1- Pick up a subject change request form from Senior School or download a copy from Compass or Teams.
Step 2- Complete this form and get all appropriate signatures (parents, student and a member of the Careers/Pathways team).
Step 3- Submit this form to Senior School by Tuesday 29 November 9:00am (no forms will be accepted after this time).
Step 4- If approved and the subject change is possible, Mr Hoogkamer will make appropriate changes and inform students/parents of the outcome. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of the Senior School team.
David Black
Leader of Senior School