News from the 


Artisan of the Month 

Congratulations to the winners of the final Artisan of the Month for 2022:

  • Student - Connor Cantwell
  • Staff - Emily Lewis
Connor Cantwell
Emily Lewis
Connor Cantwell
Emily Lewis

Artisan of the Year – People’s Choice Award

During the year, the Artisan of the Month winners are voted on by the Art and Technology Captains. Once a year however, the entire school community gets to vote on their favourite Artisan of the Month entry and crown the creator Artisan of the Year. Winners were announced at Thursday’s Art and Technology Showcase Presentation Evening and each winner received a commemorative trophy. The winners are:

  • Student – James Allen
  • Staff – Corina Tay
  • Family and Friends – Abbi Haynes
James Allen
Corina Tay
Abbi Haynes
James Allen
Corina Tay
Abbi Haynes

Congratulations to al the 2022 Artisan winners. We look forward to seeing your latest creations in 2023


Please encourage your students to check their Library loans.  As we head towards the end of the year it is a good time to start tidying up loose ends, including those books taken home for lockdown periods in past years and are still at home on the desk/shelf/under the bed.


Students can check which books they have borrowed by logging into the Library catalogue using their student code, clicking on their name in the top right corner, and dropping down the list to Loans.  Click here to access the Library catalogue.



Joanne Montgomery

Library Manager