The Falcon Yearbook

We are excited to announce that the The Falcon Yearbook 2022 is now available to buy through Compass for $15 as an 'Opt In Event'.
This is a tangible memento of the 2022 Wantirna College year. Featuring Learning Area reports, photos and, for the first time ever, QR Codes leading to downloadable photos from major events such as Production, Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, Camps and Excursions! NUMBERS ARE LIMITED - order yours today!
Yearbooks will be available for Collection at the Music Office foyer during lunch time on Mon 28 Nov and Wed 30 Nov. Further collection dates will be advised through Compass.
Students must bring their Student ID to collect their Yearbook.
Yearbook Cover Art Competition Winners
Though we didn't have many entries in our first ever Yearbook Cover Art Competition, we were delighted that students were willing to 'have a go'.
The competitions requirements were:
- Must be A4 Portrait orientation
- Must include the title 'The Falcon Yearbook' for front cover entries
- Must contain a visual representation of a Brown Falcon in some way
- Back cover entries had to allow for credits to be overwritten at the bottom of the page
Students in the Yearbook Committee judged the winners based on the criteria. It was agreed that a different entrant would be selected for the front and the back.
Thank you to the students who entered and congratulations to all. We are pleased to announce the winners, who were revealed at the Arts & Technology Showcase Presentation Evening last night:
Front Cover Art: Lana Lykokapis, Year 12
Back Cover Art: Deanna Gerock, Year 8
Yearbook Committee - Term 4 Amplify
This year, The Falcon Yearbook was published with the creative assistance and hard work of the 24 students in our Term 4 Yearbook Amplify Committee and in collaboration with teachers and staff.
On Wed 16 Nov, the Yearbook Committee went on excursion to the printers to learn about the production process and see how our Yearbook was printed. It was a very interesting and informative afternoon which culminated in our returning, triumphant, with our Yearbook in hand!
We wish to thank Andrew Lewis, Alex Shepherd, Vicky Rumble and Daniel van Bergen for their generous support of this project. Thank you also to the teachers and staff who contributed photos and editorial, and a special thank you to Kai Simcocks (Yr 9) for his assistance with photos and final artwork.
Nicholetta Rigano & Mitzi Flanders
Yearbook Co-ordinators