From the Deputy Principal

What makes a school?

Our Welcome Assembly yesterday was a joy!  As I listened to the buzz of excited voices and looked out at the sea of smiling faces, I had a realisation that we have come so far through the trials and tribulations of last year.  Here we are, on the first day of 2023, gathering our students from Years Three to Year Twelve to celebrate being together at school.


This year is our 25th year and yesterday, Mr Mark Sawle spoke about the school's humble beginnings and hearing from community members that there must have been significant belief by the school's founders to attempt to build a school on the outskirts of Albany on what was a farm.  What I have always known about our community is that it's not the location (though we are on very special Menang land), or the buildings that make our school, but rather, the people in it.  


I encouraged our students to bring the school values to life: compassion, commitment, integrity and respect, in their day-to-day interactions.  Together, our students and staff are what makes this a very special school.  


And, as we start the school year I encourage you to become a part of our community.  Join us at the Parent and Guardian Information Sessions, commencing at 5.00pm on Friday 10 February and then come along to the P&F Parent Sundowner, commencing at 6.00pm in the Pratten Centre Courtyard.  This is a great way to connect with other families and enjoy some drinks and nibbles.  Let's make 2023 great!


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal