Middle Years 

Positive emotions and being drawn to the light

Year 8 Camp Gallery


With exams finished and the Step Up Program almost completed, it’s time for students to finish the last few days well and enjoy the break over the holidays.

I encourage the Middle Years students to stop and reflect on all the good things that they have accomplished and achieved in 2022 and to take the opportunity to savour the great moments.

For Year 7s, meeting new people, mastering the Senior School routine, getting through their first two rounds of examinations, the Glenelg River Camp and the high ropes day are all experiences worth remembering and savouring.

For Year 8s, working together during the Orientation Program, completing their Youth Mental Health first aid course, attending the Live 4 Life celebration event, enjoying their elective subjects, and recent Otways Camp are all experiences that deserve reflection.

For Year 9s, the Micah Experience, Grampians Retreat, City Experience, Mittagundi and the Mt Abrupt Hike are all worth spending time remembering and reliving. 

For me, the highlights of 2022 revolve around the conversations I have with Middle Years students at recess and lunchtimes around the myPEC. Hearing about students’ successes (or failures and challenges) in their co-curricular activities or learning about an obscure area of interest from a student is what makes teaching fun. 

Savouring a positive experience by remembering and reliving the sights, sounds, people and emotions can make these positive experiences last much longer and make us feel good. I hope all Middle Years students can savour a number of their experiences this year and look back on 2022 with pride and enjoyment.


Ben Hawthorne

Head of Middle Years