Other School News

Coding and Digital Design
The students in iCreate Coding and Digital Design, we immersed in the 'Sphero' interactive experience led by Anna Nguyen pre-service teacher from Monash University this term. They explored and developed their coding skills through the Sphero play app on their smartphone, as well as the Sphero Edu program on their PC. The students worked collaboratively in groups to design and draw simple to complex Sphero maze. It was exciting to watch the Sphero move to commands directed by the students.
The students used multi-skills from designing, analytical and problem-solving to resolve the complex course of moves that the Shero needed to take!
Lights, sound and action the Sphero balls were on their way rolling around the table moving swiftly forward and back, stop and start following their designated course.
The students were thrilled to learn that the Sphero ball originated from the BB-8 Robot in Star wars!
Ms Helen Ifandis
Arts Coordinator
News from the library -Semester One
Hi everyone,
The staff in the library have been hard at work reviewing all our fiction and non-fiction books.
We are developing some ideas for some different arrangements of the bookshelves and the desks. Its been great to think about how we can position the shelving so as to better display the fantastic items that we have here. It will be great to move things around in here to make a (hopefully) better and more user-friendly space
We cater for both staff and students so please come in either before school, recess, lunchtime and after school – enjoy the warmth, have a browse, or even just sit quietly to get your minds ready for the school day. See you soon Ms Stenning, Mrs Vincent and Mrs Stromer.
"A Million Things"
by Emily Spurr
This is my favourite at the moment; Cannot put it down!
An overflowing, heartfelt, debut following fifty-five days in the life of ten-year-old Rae, who must look after herself and her dog when her mother disappears.
When Rae wakes to her dog Splinter’s nose in her face, the back door open, and no Mum, she does as she’s always done and carries on. She takes care of the house, goes to school, walks Splinter, and minds her own business—all the while pushing down the truth she isn’t ready to face.
"These Broken Stars"
by Amie Kaufman
A science-fiction love story. Adventure, romance and a thriller all rolled into one.
"Zac and Mia"
by A.J Betts
Love story
Cancer and hospitals
Beautiful story
“Of the subjects taught in school, reading is the first among equals – the most singular in importance because all others rely on it. Excellence in almost any academic subject requires strong reading.” Doug Lemov “Reading Reconsidered” Pg 1.
Ms Sue Stenning
Librarian & Legal Studies Teacher