WELC Report

Message from the Acting WELC Coordinator -
Ms Debby Morgan
End of Term 2
Our term was interrupted again by another lockdown. Thankfully, it did not really interfere with our program much, though. Our students in Australia slipped easily into the routine of learning from home for those two weeks, continuing their high rate of attendance. While our offshore students continued their studies as normal. When school started again on-site, everyone returned, happy to see each other again.
We have also welcomed another two students since then which brings our numbers to 15 students. We have students studying in Australia, Vietnam and China. Our students come from a total of 5 different countries.
During Term 2 students have been doing Art as their elective and exploring various techniques including one-point perspective and drawing by boxes. Some of their pieces are shown in this newsletter.
Seven of our students will be exiting on Friday. These students have received their final reports and undertaken various transition activities throughout the term. Some of these students will go on study online at mainstream schools, some will transfer to mainstream schools in Australia, while others will transfer back to their local school in their country until the borders open in Australia. We wish all our exiting students the best in whatever they do next term and hope we can all meet in person in Australia soon!
To the remaining students, our final day this term is Friday 25 June and we will return to school on Monday 12 July. I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday.
Student Reflection
Students usually spend two terms in the Language Centre before they move to a mainstream secondary college. During this time, they study an intensive program designed to teach them the language they need for all subjects at high school.
Our current Team A students were given the opportunity to reflect on their time in the Language Centre.
Here are some of their thoughts below:
What are the three most important things you learned this term?
- Take notes carefully in get out of class, write homework well after class, and help other students (Xinyu)
- The three things most important things I learned this term are used tenses, communicate with others, used time (Estella)
- Be braver, talk to others in English, make more friends (Carolina)
What is something we did this term that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?
- We have learned the past tense and composition; I will remember the lesson about disasters (Xinyu)
- Teach me how to eat safely (Anh Nhu)
- On the holiday, I went to Wuhan with Yuhang and Jerry (Zhida)
- One thing we did this term that I think I will remember for the rest of my life is the day we studied sport together (Estella)
- I went to Melbourne Zoo is something we did this semester that I think I will remember for the rest of my life (Carolina)
What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this term?
- Henry helped me with the laptop when I come to school for the first time (Carolina)
- Classmates help me when I have a problem (Xinyu)
- The nicest thing someone in our class did for me this term is everybody in class always help me when I just started at this school (Estella)
- Caroline often help me to understand something (Zhida)
- Xinyu always answers when I have a question that needs help (Anh Nhu)
What person at our Language Centre has made the biggest impact in your life this term? Why?
- Everyone in the Language Center has a great influence on me. Every one of them helps me. They are very friendly (Xinyu)
- Ms Chow had made the biggest impact in my life this term because she always praises me and encourages me (Carolina)
- Ms Tetoros and Ms Anna. Because they are nice, I think that (Anh Nhu)
- I think this person is Miss Debby. Her smile is really infectious (Zhida)
- The person at our language Centre who has made the biggest impact in my life this term is Carolina. Because she is the only person I can start a conversation (Estella)