Middle School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Mr Tom Tahos
The way you have smoothly transitioned from face-to-face learning into remote learning and back to face-to-face learning has been amazing.
Thank you and have a wonderful break; look after yourselves.
Mr Tom Tahos
Director of Learning - Middle School
Year 10 Work Experience
Good luck to all Year 10 students embarking on work experience during the school break. Remember to be punctual, dress appropriately for your work, show initiative, work hard and smile. We wish you a great experience.
Course Counselling and 2022 Subject Selections
We have had our sub-school course selection assemblies, and you can now access all documentation on our school website by following this link: https://www.westallsc.vic.edu.au/course-counselling
You need to research and have conversations with your parents/guardians regarding your future aspirations and make sure you select subjects and the pathway that will best help you achieve your goals.
Important course selection workshops next term:
Important Dates | |
Parent Information Evening | Tuesday 20th July |
Schedule for entering selections on the online portal | Tuesday 20th July - Sunday 1st August |
Course Selection Interviews | Year 10 - Wednesday 4th August Year 9 - Thursday 5th August |
Follow up Interviews | If required |
Westall Way - Middle School Rewards System
Congratulations to the following Year 9 and 10 students who are currently leading the Middle School rewards points program.
These students have been acknowledged for their wonderful contributions to their studies and to the wider Westall community. They have supported their teachers and peers in various ways. Great effort!!
Year 9 | Year 10 |
Mark Li 199 | Monineath Seang 196 |
Jordan Khauv 197 | Niza Yong 175 |
Zoi Spilliopoulou 178 | Joe Bonnyjose 158 |
Janeeta Nasim 174 | Thida Sok 147 |
Vihara Ariyawansa 172 | Raymond Dang 140 |
Elaiza PalalagiSundar 169 | Alexandros Balatsas-Kartsiounis 136 |
Year 9 Shrine of Remembrance Excursion
The Year 9 trip to Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance was truly an inspirational and highly educational adventure. On May 24th, all of the Year 9 students went on a tour around the Shrine of Remembrance. We also participated in a thrilling Amazing Race activity around the Botanic Gardens, looking for specific statues which commemorated WWI history. Even though it was a long day, I know many year 9s like myself took something truly amazing out of the experience they had on that day and will most definitely use that in future years.
By Larni Fountain, Year 9
2021 Peer Support
The Peer Support program runs Semester 1, where the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders actively work with the year 7’s with their transition to high school. In addition, the program is designed to support and help develop leadership, communication and interpersonal skills of the year 10 cohort as well.
The Year 7 students have developed their resilience, organisation and communication skills to benefit them during their high school journey. As Term 2 concludes, the Year 7’s and Peer Support Leaders celebrate their newfound friendships in the final Peer Support session. The students practiced mindfulness in the session participating in Tai Chi, creating friendship bracelets with their groups, and ending with a pizza celebration.
The Year 10 Peer Support Leaders wish the Year 7 all the best in their schooling, and they will continue to support their peers moving forward.
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator
Courage to Care Incursion
On the 13th of May 2021, a non-profit organisation called Courage to Care came to Westall Secondary College to highlight the tragedy of the Holocaust. We were extremely grateful to be able to hear first-hand testimony from Henry, a Holocaust survivor. We were all shocked to hear the gruelling circumstances that Jews were put through, amazed to know that many survivors fought through this torment and were able to survive and tell their stories, and fortunate to be able to hear such a raw first-hand experience. Henry Ekert, a Holocaust survivor, talked about his experience through war, and how he managed to escape the Nazis and flee - which inevitably saved his life. As Henry told his story, we were all hanging on to every word he said, knowing we were the last generation who would have this opportunity to hear the stories from a survivor in person. We were then broken into small groups where we all had the opportunity to talk and hear the stories of the many volunteers who were either Holocaust survivors or family of such people.
We were also taught the importance of being an upstander in our everyday lives. Not only was this incursion a great chance to obtain more insight on the horrific events of history, but it gave us a deeper understanding of what happens when everyone is a bystander. Overall, the experience was a once in a life time opportunity and we are all extremely grateful for the Courage to Care folks for taking their time to come and educate us!
By Monineath Seang and Raymond Dang, Year 10
Old Melbourne Gaol Excursion
As part of their Crime and Punishment unit, the Year 9 and 10 Lit Histories students visited the Old Melbourne Gaol. They toured both the Watch House and the cell blocks to learn about the history of the iconic building and listen to some of the stories of those who lived and died at the gaol. Putting their acting skills to the test, they finished their day by performing the trial of ‘The Crown vs Ned Kelly’. They examined the evidence in the case to determine if the infamous bushranger should have been found guilty of the Stringybark Creek murder.
Miss Michelle Collins
Humanities Coordinator