Senior School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Mr Jason Tickner
I would like to thank and congratulate all senior school students in their collective efforts this term. Despite the interruptions and uncertainties created once again by COVID-19, our senior students have continued to adapt and display great resilience in all aspects of school life. The ability of our students, teachers, and families to transition from face-to-face to remote learning and then back again are a credit to all. Despite these challenges, our VCAL and VCE students were able to progress smoothly through their programs, with the year 11 VCE students completing mid-year exams in Week 8. Right now, our VCAL students are finishing off core assessments and projects across their programs and VCE students have transitioned to Units 2 & 4 studies respectively.
As we approach the end of term, our senior teachers are assisting students to complete outstanding coursework and assessments, in both their VCAL and VCE programs. Many students have continued to access the supports that sit outside of their timetabled classes which have included: redemption sessions, online/face-to-face workshops, homework club and peer study sessions. These have proven to be successful for many students in enhancing their learning. In addition, several Yr 12 VCE teachers will be running tutorials in the second week of the upcoming holiday period. Students are strongly advised to attend these sessions; a timetable will be published via Teams shortly. Teachers will be using these sessions to revise content delivered throughout Semester 1 and/or conduct partial, or full practice exams in their subject area. As the leader of the senior sub-school, I would like to thank our Yr 12 teachers in advance for offering their holiday time to run these sessions. Recently, our VCE students have also been provided with external opportunities to access and/or engage in exam preparation tutorials and resources. These provide a great opportunity for students to revise content and prepare for end-of-year exams.
Over the holiday period, it is crucial that both VCE and VCAL students catch up on outstanding coursework and review content taught in Terms 1 & 2. Please discuss with your son/daughter what holiday homework has been set in their individual subjects as completion of this work will ensure a positive start to their studies in Term 3. Importantly, this work should be balanced with other activities that promote physical and mental health and wellbeing. Parents/guardians can assist their children by showing an interest and by helping them to develop a study timetable and study routine. This link has some excellent ideas for planning a study timetable.
Throughout this term, our senior VCE students have been taken through a series of workshops and provided access to resources focussing on improving study and work habits. They have also engaged in a range of curricular and co-curricular activities from senior sport rally days, house cross-country, road safety program, subject-specific excursions, market day and lunchtime student activities. Our students have consistently demonstrated our iCare school values in their participation and engagement in all these activities and events this year.
Thank you,
Mr. Jason Tickner
Director of Learning - Senior School
Senior Work Related Skills Class
Our Senior WRS class have recently started painting the Community Centre as one of their projects. They have sanded the frames, doors and walls, and have almost completed all of the undercoats on the doors and frames as well. They are hoping to have this finished by the end of term, or at the beginning of Term 3. They are enjoying working together on a project that is a space that the Senior VCAL students can call their own.
Ms Ngarelle Gordon
VCAL Coordinator
Year 12 Health & Human Development Excursion –
Road to Zero
On Tuesday 25th May the year 12 Health and Human class attended the ‘Road to Zero’ excursion at the Melbourne Museum. The interactive program immersed students in a digitally interactive environment. Road to Zero is a world first road safety education complex and has been developed by the TAC in partnership with the Melbourne Museum. Road to Zero draws initiative is part of the Victorian Government’s road safety strategy, it aims to reduce road trauma in pre-learner drivers by building knowledge and awareness that will empower young road users to make safe decisions. The students that attended enjoyed a great day which supplemented their study in this area within the classroom.
Mr Jason Tickner
Director of Learning - Senior School
Senior Personal Development Skills Leadership Workshop by Ms Simadri
The Senior PDS class was very lucky to have a workshop run by our very own Assistant Principal, Ms Simadri, on Authentic Leadership. As part of the curriculum for PDS, the Senior students learn about different types of leaders, and what makes a good leader. They also look into what makes them a good leader, and how they can improve their leadership skills moving forward. Ms Simadri really made them think about their roots, and look at the challenges that they have had to overcome in their life to get to where they are today, and to continue to move forward. The students were very happy to have a member of the Principal Team come into their space, and discuss with them a topic that is so relevant and real to them in their everyday life. They appreciated that Ms Simadri took the time out of her busy schedule to run such a powerful workshop for them. Many of our VCAL students are great leaders within the Westall School community and will continue to go on into their workplace and make great leaders, and this workshop made our senior students really think about what it takes to be authentic leaders.
Ms Ngarelle Gordon
VCAL Coordinator
Foundation VCAL
Mother’s Day Morning
On the 18th of May 2021 the Foundation VCAL class came up with the idea to have a morning tea for Mother’s Day, each student invited a female figure that inspires them and prepared meals for everyone to share. The morning tea was held in the Westall Café, which was decorated by the class, the students also prepared a slideshow with a picture of them with their female role model/figure and wrote one thing they loved about that person.
Hosting this morning tea was a good gesture to show that we are undeniably thankful and grateful for everything our mothers/motherly figures have and continue to do for us daily. Two students were in a pair each and within that pair decided on a food to assemble, us students wrote down the ingredients we needed for our food and Miss Gordon went and bought everything we needed. The morning of the tea we students spent the first period creating and preparing the food, not only was this a good experience for the mothers but it was a fantastic experience for the class as we all learnt something whether it be timing, consistency, or independence. Some students finished their cuisines earlier than others that being so, those students helped decorate and prepare the room for when the mothers arrive. Blowing up balloons, moving the tables, setting the tables (forks, spoons, tablecloths).
When the mothers arrived they each sat down with the student that invited them, which in my opinion was the highlight of the morning tea due to the fact that there were four people per table, which indicated that conversations were sparking between each invitee. This gave the mothers time to get to know each other, me being a new student at the time was very comforting for me as my Mum and I were learning more about not only my classmates but their families. Overall, the atmosphere was very tranquil and heartwarming, I was more than pleased with how the morning tea turned out and it was a really pleasing experience.
This event grew me closer to people and started new friendships between my classmates and I. I learnt a lot about my classmates from my involvement in the morning tea, and I would certainly recommend this to people who are looking to build a bond with others.
by Kiara Tomaras 10V
2021 Year 11 Business Management Market Day
The Year 11 Business Management students planned, organised and ran a market stall, bringing a semester’s worth of learning to life. There were various stalls, including Spicy Noodles, Photobooth, Fried Chicken, Corndogs, Hot Chocolate, Sandwiches, Guessing Game, Ghost Run, Basketball Game, Nachos and Bubble Tea. The Year 11s were grateful to our Westall community for their generosity and kindness.
The most profitable business on the day was the Ghost Run, followed by Bubble Tea and Spicy Noodles. In total, the Year 11 Business Management students raised $993.20, which will be donated to the Red Cross.
Well done to all the Year 11 Business Management students on all their hard work and problem solving!
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator
Year 11 News
In Week 9, the Year 11 students had their VCE mid-year exams. Despite having the mini lockdown and the disruption to their learning, they all maintained a positive attitude and gave it their best shot.
This was the Year 11’s first experience sitting VCE exams with the formal procedures and protocols. All students approached this very professionally despite their nerves. I was incredibly impressed with the effort they put into their exams and their overall punctuality and organisation. Majority of students were fully prepared with their full school uniform, resources and ID cards.
The week started off with English and EAL, having the whole cohort sitting the first exam together. As the week went on, their attendance and attitudes stayed high and they completed all exams successfully. Based on their progress this week, they are all proving to be mature, independent students with a bright future ahead of them.
Thank you to all the staff, parents and Westall community, who helped the Year 11’s prepare and run the exams, and to the students for their great attitude and behaviour. We hope to see this excellent attitude continue, as we move into Unit 2.
Ms Ellen Rankin
Year 11 Coordinator
Westall Mentoring Programs
The Senior Students at Westall Secondary College are very privileged to be offered two amazing mentoring programs to support both their personal and academic development. Over 50 students have opted into The Senior School Mentoring Program and/or the Monash (University) Mentoring Program. These programs offer a number of foci that have been designed to provide the best opportunities for our students to become successful in both their academic pathways and personal/professional goals in the future. In these programs, students have been partnered with a student from Monash University or a Westall SC School Leader and use their time together to develop skills linked to study habits, planning, organisation, revision techniques, and stress management. Students also have opportunities to discuss pathway and career options, interview techniques and job applications, professional development, and general life skills, such as loans, money management, and important documentation and applications. These programs have been available to the students for many years now and the staff continue to see a positive impact on students. As a result, the students who participate in these programs often develop greater maturity and leadership.
Mr Jared Bandara
Year 12 Coordinator
Road Safety Project at Kingston City Council
On Thursday 20th of May, the Student Leadership Team went to the Kingston City Council to work on our Road Safety Project. We worked on improving the roads and transport conditions surrounding our Westall community to improve safety within our community and promote walking and riding to school. Many techniques and items to ensure road safety have been in the works of being implemented within our school. We also got an opportunity to voice our ideas to fit the needs of our community.
The impact we have made so far:
- Cleared footpaths of overhanging branches and trees along Rosebank Avenue & Evergreen Boulevard;
- ‘Kiss and Go’ zone installed on Brady Avenue (adjacent to our school oval);
- New pedestrian crossing in front of Westall shops on Rosebank Avenue;
- Soon to be installed speed bump on Rosebank Lane (in between the Westall shops and the alley);
- Speed limit soon to be changed permanently to 40km within our school zone along Rosebank Avenue.
Here are some quotes from us captains:
- “We are really excited and thrilled to see our impact on the Westall community!!! Raymond Dang, Middle School Captain
- “It was a very educational excursion, as everyone came together and worked as a team. Everyone communicated and turned our ideas into actions.” Krystal Nguyen, College Captain
- “Informative and productive experience” Scarlet Nguyen, International Captain
- “I liked coming together with other captains and the council and sharing ideas that we are making a reality.” Soanna Carnahan, Arts Captain
Thank you to Tara from the Kingston City Council for providing this excellent opportunity and experience to improve our school community and elevate our safety along the roads. To ensure optimal safety in the Westall community, we will continue to work with Tara.
Don’t forget to stop, look, listen, think!
Junior, Middle & Senior School Captains
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator
TOP ARTS Excursion
The Year 11 and 12 Studio Arts students visited the National Gallery of Victoria and the International Gallery of Australia on the 25th of May this year. The focus of the visit was to draw inspiration from TOP ARTS, as well as contemporary and traditional artworks. The students developed their awareness of how artists use media, art styles, and presentation techniques to immerse the viewer in an exhibition context. Many of the students were in awe of being amongst the oldest paintings and ceramics they had ever seen. Alex commented on how incredible the 15th and 16th-century painting room was! Seeing the artworks live made the experience even more exciting and interactive.
The most amazing part of the day was when we saw 'Maree Clarke' - Australia's most renowned indigenous artist, and to think we got to see her famous kangaroo teeth necklace on display! Guess what? we missed a photo opportunity with her as she stepped into the lift with her entourage!! Colour, light, sound, floating and floor sculptures, silky gowns, fluffy duster lamps, and sparkling glass chairs whatever the art, the experience was endless.
As I peered over the balcony of the Great Hall at the NGV at the end of the day, I saw our lovely students draped over the colourful seats exhausted. They had finally surrendered to the beautiful ceiling of stained glass windows. It was a great day of Art!
Ms Helen Ifandis
Year 10 & Arts Coordinator