From the Library 

Once again the recent Lockdown saw teaching and support staff working onsite in the Library with a number of students.   


Mr Eade showed us his athletic skills assisting students with their Phys -Ed classes and explaining how to perform star jumps, sit-ups and push-ups.  He even excelled in Mr Harberger’s  Basketball  Academy managing a few trick basketball shots using a paper basketball and bin.



For the more artistic amongst us, Jade (Integration Aide ) helped students develop Vision Boards highlighting what they wanted to achieve this year at school  and outside of school. 


Now we are out of Lockdown, students are reminded that Library Staff are always available during study periods,  lunchtimes and after school till 3.30pm to assist any students with  their work.  We are also regularly adding new books to the collection to assist with your learning and recreational interests.