From the Director of Students

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Dear College community,


It has been a very busy term across the College. Week 3 and Week 4 this term delivered many opportunities both in and out of the classroom for students across Years 7-12. 


Our Year 10 students had a wonderful Family Night in Week 3 this term. This was all made possible by the College staff who attended the evening and the families who engaged in the art workshop and physical challenges throughout the night.


On the Monday of Week 4, the Year 10 students and the Homeroom team attended an outdoor activity day at Wedderburn. Both students and staff took the opportunity to complete challenging activities. The day was met with great enthusiasm as the students left the College early Monday morning and returned late. I would like to thank Mr Hogan and Mrs Price for overseeing and organising the outing.


Year 11 ‘U-TURN THE WHEEL’ 2021

The "U-Turn the Wheel" program is a one-day in-school road safety program that is now being delivered to Year 11 students in High Schools across Sydney. "U-Turn the Wheel" is coordinated by local Rotary Clubs and supported by different Councils. 


Expert presenters talk to students about the issues facing young drivers and discuss strategies to deal with them.

The program reinforces the messages that parents are trying to get their young drivers to heed – that the decisions and actions made by drivers on the roads are their responsibility alone, and can often lead to unforeseen and tragic consequences.


The "U-Turn the Wheel" Success Story

Since 2007 there have been many changes in NSW to the driving and licensing laws affecting young drivers, with many of these measures helping to bring about a decrease in the crash rates of young drivers.


The crash rate among drivers aged 17-20 years old continues to fall in many areas around Sydney, thanks in part to the ongoing student involvement in the "U-Turn the Wheel" Program.



College Merit System

I am excited to announce that the College has recently received 25 unique St Gregory’s caps from BLK to be given out to students across Years 7-12. These caps are individually numbered and form part of the ‘rewards’ that students can claim from their accumulated points on the merit dashboard.


Although the caps are not part of the College uniform, they do, however, represent a unique opportunity to own St Gregory’s memorabilia never seen before.



School Boys Cup Game Round 1

It has been a very long time since we gathered as a College community to support our First-Grade Rugby League team. Last week, we were blessed with the opportunity to witness as a College the cultural uniqueness that underpins St Greg’s. The crowd of student support was amazing. The players felt honoured and humbled by the overwhelming support. As it turned out we managed to secure a convincing win. Well done gentlemen!!


Best wishes,

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Director of Students