
Mentone Year 7

I have learnt things such as some of the periodic table how to do an experiment safely. Chemistry is all about mixing substances. My favourite practical task was the "making jelly". Scientists do different things in different branches. A biologist studies living things whilst a Chemist mixes and creates chemicals.      Jesse 7.4


As a Year 7 student, Science has been one of my favourite classes and experiences at St Bede’s College. Recently in Science I have been learning about Chemistry and mixtures and how solutions are formed. The Year 7s have used the Bunsen Burner, made jelly and started to learn the first 11 elements on the periodic table. Scientists are among one of the smartest people on earth and by studying Science we can learn so much about our world.                       Callum 7.4


In Year 7 we learn a lot of chemistry like solutes, solvents and solutions. We have used Bunsen burners and have mixed lots of powders and liquids. My favourite practical task was mixing jelly in hot and cold water.            Cooper 7.4


My favourite practical was making jelly using the solute which was the jelly crystals and the solvent which was the hot and cold water. We measured how long it took for the solute to dissolve in the solvent. The cold water took longer to dissolve the solute. Then we put them in the fridge to wait until the next day to see the result. The hot water turned from a liquid to a solid and the cold water turned into a syrup like substance. My hypothesis was correct.                       Coco 7.4


So far at St Bede’s in Science my favourite practical task that I participated in was when I used the Bunsen burner and using tongs I held magnesium over it to create a flaming light similar to the sun. Directly looking at it can damage your eye sight so staying away from it was one of our priorities. We’ve recently moved onto the topic of Chemistry and the different elements. We were told to try and revise the first 10 elements of the periodic table. Scientists like Chemists use chemistry in their work while others like Physicists work on movement and while the rest have many varied tasks and jobs. This semester I have learnt about Lab safety, lab equipment and about different experiments and the materials needed of them. Scientists help us every day and they are very valued people among us.                    Lenex 7.4



Amy Ross

Year 7 Science Teacher