College Production




St Bede’s Mentone senior production of the Australian classic ‘Cosi’ will leave you in stitches! The planning stage of Cosi has been well underway since late 2020. An enormous effort behind the scenes has occured to get this show off the ground running and we could not have done it without the generous help of countless contributors. Firstly, a huge thank you to the AV team Tom Hubeek, Dan Allen & Hamish Dunn, & Yr 11 Spencer Horton, for their timely execution of everything from graphic design to coordinating a safe stage fire. 


Our fashionistas Ms Kensley & Ms Matthews have been spending their afternoons at a multitude of op shops capturing the directors visual interpretation of each character’s unique persona, from tie-dyed shirts, to bell bottoms and necklines! Our Yr 11 student Liam Jones, Mr Byrne & Ms Kirk have been busy tracking down an endless list of props! On that note, does anyone have any straitjackets they no longer need?


With just three weeks to go there is still plenty of hard work ahead of the dedicated cast & crew. This year's college production of Cosi is a show you would be MAD to miss. 



Book your tickets here June 16 – 19: