6A - Education Week Home Learning

By Lauren Anderson

The learners in 6A have spent the last two weeks deepening their Scientific and Geographical knowledge through designing an engaging presentation on a topic relating to our overarching inquiry question of ‘How do changes within the earth’s internal and external environment provide humanity with sustainable options?’.  


It was wonderful to see a range of topics and presentation styles including, models, artwork, posters and presentations. 


On Tuesday, students in 6A presented their learning during our open morning with families across the school. They practised their presentation skills, learnt from others and spoke about their knowledge with confidence.


When asked to share their learning, Sureja and Rose said, “Did you know that that water we drink, the dinosaurs used to drink.” And “The atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The rest is made up of all gasses”. Shan was “so astonished how Venus’s atmosphere reflects the sunlight like a mirror because of its thick atmosphere” he shared that. “If you lived on Venus, you wouldn’t see any stars.”


Birti, who showed a keen interest in India, stated that “22 out of 30 of the worlds most polluted cities are in India”. Our resident scientist Isaac shared some positive news that “the ozone layer will return back to normal by 2065 after the ban of ozone-depleting chemicals.”Ella, Minuri and Ishika, developed their collaboration skills by working together to create a model demonstrating how “weather impacts the occurrence of a natural disaster.” They shared that“Hail storms are increasing as a result of climate change.” And shared a safety tip of “During a tornado, the safest option is to go at the lowest ground in a room with no windows.”


Overall it was an excellent opportunity for the students in 6A to share their passions with the broader community.