How does our Garden Grow

An insight of what we’ve been doing at the farm

Dear Families, 

Last week we were learning all about Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day. We watched

videos and talked about how the Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people would have felt with white colonisers invading their land. Haley read to us a picture book called “Sorry Day”, which conveyed a strong meaning through it’s story. We learnt a lot about the trauma the first nations people have suffered and we did some activities during this important week. We also changed our new flags at the farm to represent the colours of the aboriginal flag. 



As well as celebrating and acknowledging the first nations people, Eileen and some students have been making delicious cheese and herb scones for their classes. The room was filled with a yummy aroma while the scones were baking! They were delicious. 

See attached recipe if you’d like to try to make some over the next week of lockdown.



Our two new chooks, Evee and Nugget will be arriving when we return to school, if you have the time, we would most definitely love you to come by and check out our new residents!


We have been keeping our farm and the plants as healthy as possible. Thanks to our wonderful worms, we have used the worm pee and mixed it with water. We then watered the plants with it as it’ll make our plants healthier by adding nutrients to the soil.


As said in this last newsletter, don’t forget that we will be posting a Woiwurrung word each week and would be delighted if you have a look. We want to help keep the language alive.

You’re always welcome to come to the farm. Thanks for reading!



Kelly, Leni, Anh Van



Note from Haley

Thank you to everyone who has sent me pictures of your feet this week for our Engaging With Place task, I have loved seeing the creativity and effort you have put into it.

I have included some for you to see, don’t forget to bring your feet in when we return to school and we will create a display for all to see.


Jas Sharon
Jas Sharon