Sustainability at Frankston High School

National Climate Emergency Summit 2020
On 14 February the Frankston High School Eco Team went to Melbourne Town Hall for the National Climate Emergency Summit. The summit was to help recognise that climate change is an emergency and needs to be acted on immediately. There were around 100 presenters on the day, all talking about the importance of this issue.
We saw the negatives on how climate change is affecting the world, from the Antarctic ice caps melting to the Australian bush fires.
As was said many times throughout the day, it’s one thing to sound the fire alarm but we also have to be there to point to the exits, so people don’t panic. This is why it is important not only to identify the negatives, but show the positive actions happening globally too. The ACT is moving towards 100% renewable energy and Melbourne City is down 52% on emissions. This is great news and shows good things are happening but sadly it’s not happening fast enough. Which is why we all need to put in an effort to help and do all we can, whilst supporting those who are taking action currently. This is an important issue we must all tackle together if we want to see a better liveable future. I welcome the Frankston High School community in helping to take action on climate change.
Matilda Scroggie
Year 11
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