Important Dates and Notices

Important Dates
Semper Squad Timetable
Link to Frankston High School Sports Facebook page:
Finance Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8.00am - 4.00pm
Uniform Shop Hours
Sara & Adele
Telephone 9784 9080
12.30pm - 1.30pm
3.00pm - 4.00pm
7.30pm to 8.30pm
10.00am - 12.00noon
Saturday 7 March
Labour Day weekend
Student Supervision Before and After School
Please be aware that teachers are on duty in the grounds on the:
7-10 Campus: from 8.30am before school and until 3.40pm after school.
Senior Campus: from 8.00am before school and until 3.40pm after school.
It is advisable for students to arrive at school after supervision begins unless they have:
- scheduled class time,
- a planned activity (eg semper squad) or
- attending one of the school clubs (eg some posters below).
Please note that some buses leave after the conclusion of yard duty. Students are expected to behave in a responsible manner when in school uniform, before and after school. The public often contact Frankston High School to comment on the excellent behaviour of students in public areas.
Breakfast Club is due to commence 17 February.
Compass Card
2020 Frankston High School Compass Student cards will comply as a (Public Transport Victoria) PTV Approved School Student ID card. This will mean that parents or students will not have to arrange for an additional student ID card for public transport which is a saving of $9.00. The new cards will arrive in March after 2020 student photos have been taken. All the more reason students need to keep them in a safe place.
Compass App
DOWNLOAD NOW and Stay up to date!!
Compass App is a great way to access your childs timetable, see scheduled learning tasks, approve events, read latest school notifications, school reports and many more. Simply Download the App from your App Store/Play Store.
Year 7 Immunisations
The Frankston City Council's immunisation service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have been authorised to provide details to local councils for this purpose. Please write a letter to the school if you do not want your contact details given to the Frankston City Council.
You should have received the vaccine consent form/s sent home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school.
To learn more about the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination, go to
The vaccination dates allocated to Frankston High School are listed below.
Year 7 Students
Friday 6 March
Friday 16 October
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Whooping Cough
Year 10 Students
If you would like your student immunised but have not completed a card, you may collect one from the General Office.
Please ensure the card is returned prior to the immunisation date.
Working Bee
Sunday 15 March
8.00am -12.00pm: Weeding & Mulching, followed by BBQ and refreshments (7-10 Campus)
If you are able to attend please meet at the 7-10 Campus Car Park at 8.00am Sunday 15 March.
Please confirm your attendance via email ( or text 0409 835 541.
Parent Student Teacher (PST) Years 7-12 Conferences
Thursday 26 March 2020
Parent Student Teacher (PST) Years 7-12 Conferences are being held on Thursday 26 March 2020.
- There are no formal classes on this day except students studying a VCE Unit 3 subject who will need to attend Periods 1-6 as timetabled.
- There will be no Period 0 (8.10am-8.55am) on this day.
More information in upcoming weeks.
Introducing WoW! – Words on Wheels Initiative
In order to support the teaching and learning of all staff and students in the VCE Campus, a mobile library will be bringing VCE texts, study guides, support material and study skills advice to the Presentation Space in 2020. While hours will be limited to Thursday, our Teacher Librarian Tonia Hast and incredibly helpful Librarian Michelle Snooks will always be available for online advice and requests for print and digital resources. Remember, Homework Club is open to ALL students in the JRC from 3.30 to 4.30 from Tuesday to Thursday.
Study Tip No. 2
Sitting in class or reading a textbook are very passive ways to learn, and while you may learn something from these, you might be surprised by how little information your brain will retain.
- Read the textbook looking for answers to questions that you have in mind, and you must integrate the facts of the class into your understanding.
- Look at the course objectives to determine what you need to know. Your class notes will suggest what is necessary to memorize for Outcomes.
- Writing the information in question form really makes you think about what the teacher or textbook is telling you, and more than that you have an excellent study resource to return to. Who knows, one of these questions you might even be on your exam!
Year 10 Work Experience
22-26 June
Welcome back everyone. Hopefully by now your child will have either started their search for their Work Experience placement or secured a placement.
The forms are due back by Friday 13 March 2020. Please return all forms to Ms Molloy in the JRC.
Students that hand their forms in by the due date, go into the running for a $50 JB HiFi voucher
Work Experience Week
22 – 26 June 2020
If your child is unable to attend their placement during Work Experience week (22–26 June) they have been advised that they can do their placement in either the July or September school holidays. They will receive the last week of Term 2 as a holiday in lieu of giving one week of their holidays.
If you have any questions, please ask your child to come and see me in the Work Experience Office in the JRC or you can contact me on 9784 9036 between 8.00am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
Ms Lorelle Molloy
Work Experience Coordinator
Year 7 Training Concert Band Info Night
7.30pm Tuesday 3 March
Music Centre
If you would like your child to be a part of this exciting program, you and your child will need to attend our Information And Try-Out Night which will be held in the Music Centre commencing 7.30pm Tuesday 3 March.
Please see 'Music Notes' section for further details.
2040 Screening
Wednesday 11 March
Buy your tickets here:
Year 7 Parents only
For catering purposes please follow this link:
Frankston High School Careers
Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school.
For the latest Careers newsletter please go to
You can use this site to locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the VCE, search for job vacancies and much more. Feel free to drop into the Careers Office if you have any questions.
Ms Sharon Bourne
Careers Counsellor
Students Driving to School
Any student of legal driving age who intends to drive to school, either on a regular basis or occasionally, must comply with the school requirements and is required to complete the Parent Permission and Student Agreement Form. These forms are attached below and also available from the Senior Office.
Crossing The Road
All students who travel to and from school via the public buses are reminded to only use the black and white ‘zebra crossings’ on Towerhill Road and Foot Street to get to and from bus stops, before and after school.
Traffic is extremely congested on the streets before and after school. It is not safe for students to cross the roads anywhere but the zebra crossings at any time, but especially before and after school. Parents are asked to discuss with their children, the importance of this matter.
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FHS Resourse Centre News:
The entire car park outlined in the picture below is reserved for Kingswim clients on a Monday and Wednesday mornings before 11.00am on both days. There are signs clearly marking this area.
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